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Yay! We've received your Salivary Hormone Test order! 🥰

There are two VERY IMPORTANT things to do next...

1. Read ALL of Our Emails and Texts

To ensure your experience with our Salivary Hormone Test goes as smoothly as possible, keep your eyes open for emails from Kate at Parlor Games.

(Yep, even if you just HATE email.) 

We'll send at least one email a week while you wait to receive, and then complete, your test. 

We promise it will be worth it!

2. "Whitelist" (aka Add to Your Contacts) Our Email: kate@parlor-games.com

Off the heels of Step 1: All 'dem email providers work hard to protect you from spam and promotions, but it unfortunately means our emails can go unseen!

Head to the Contacts section of your email provider (Gmail, Hotmail, whatever 'mail') and add the contact, Kate at Parlor Games, with the email kate@parlor-games.com.

This way you'll never a miss a message from us (nor our sparkling personalities.)

Thanks for giving Salivary Hormone Testing a try.


Kate & Kirsti