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Here's what women are saying about
Silky Peach Cream... 

4.91 out of 5
5016 customers
  • Jerri M
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach
    Love this product.  Have ordered several times. 
  • Jules
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Velvety soft again!
    Love this product for my yoni! I’m enjoying intimacy once again with zero pain!!
    Thank you 🙏🏼 
  • PS
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Amazing Product!
    Silky Peach Cream is an amazing product. I highly recommend for vaginal atrophy. 30 days of use and 100% improvement.
  • Bina
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great stuff!
    This is a light, non greasy cream that works wonders. I was having issues with itching, some dryness, and some incontinence (after two kids, peri-menopause is a beeotch.) Silky Peach helped with all of it and is worth every penny!
  • Happy Customer
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Works great!
    It has really helped with dryness and discomfort. 
  • Alixi
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Although I thought the name of this company was a bit silly, and the product name a little out there, I tried it anyway because of all the testimonials. Well... it really does work! It solved all of my ongoing issues with dryness, leakage, and discomfort. I love it! I can't recommend it enough. There really is no other product on the market that works like this. Easy to use, solves the problem. Seems a little expensive for the actual product though.
  • Noaner
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I have been using silky peach for over a year now.  I was suffering with chronic UTI’S.  I’m pleased to say that I have found relief through this product.  I am no longer being plagued by them anymore.  Great product!!
  • Cheryl J.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Yes, please!
    Super dry coochie made sex super painful.  My Dr. recommended coconut oil as a lubricant. Worked so so. This product however changed the game 100%! I don't even use it daily, maybe every other day and it has made all the difference. I highly recommend it and I am so thankful it does what it says it does. Thanks Parlor Games!
  • faye
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Highly recommend!
    SPC has been a game changer for me. When I hit 60 (I'm 61 now) I started having pain with sex, almost constant burning, and very frequent yeast infections. I started using SPC in June of 2024. I'm now 7 months in - and what a difference! No more burning, no more yeast infections, and sex is fun again! I use it twice a day: one pump in the morning, and one at night. This will be on my list of "have to buys" from now on. Ladies - give it a try!
  • Aimee
    ✅ Verified Customer
    A godsend
    Silky Peach Cream has been the biggest help to me since I entered menopause. It relieves discomfort instantaneously and isnt just a bandaid, it actually helps your body reverse menopause symptoms. 
  • TT
    ✅ Verified Customer
    A revitalizing product
    Following menopause, I was suffering from vaginal dryness, painful sex, UTIs and skin irritations. Within a few weeks of using Silky Peach Cream, I no longer have had any of those issues. 
  • Cat
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Oh my goodness!
    I thought this was going to be another fail, as I tried so many different products that did not work. To my amazement and relief, it really works. I have no more dryness and the fire to be with my husband has returned. I can not say enough about how happy I am. Finally a product that works! 
  • Sunny Patio
    ✅ Verified Customer
    The smoothness of this cream was soothing to the itching.
  • Pam in Colorado
    ✅ Verified Customer
    So Grateful
    No one talked about vaginal atrophy when I was growing up. Few talk about it now. I am so grateful for Parlor Games and the conversations and products that help women live without unnecessary ignorance and discomfort.

  • Pghuser
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works!
    This product definitely helped with my LS and I placed a second order!!
  • Lee
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Miracle cream!
    Amazing! Silky Peach Cream has changed my life. I have an auto immune disorder, along with aging lady parts. My feminine tissue was like tissue paper, tearing easily with lengthy healing time.  After just 2 weeks I seen a huge difference. And now that I have finished my 1st container, I no longer deal with the fragile tissue and irritation. Thank you!! 
  • Katherine F
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky peach highly recommend!!
    I’m a 71 year-old, married 50+ years fairly active woman who has suffered for years with Dryness! Having a hysterectomy when I was relatively young, Using hormones patch for so many years, endured a lot of dryness pain with sex, this product. I wish I’d known about a lot sooner. It definitely makes a difference. I would definitely recommend it!!
  • Rosalie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This works
    I was so shocked that this product literally worked within 2 days. I feel better downstairs than it has in 10 years. Thank God for this product it is made all the difference no other products needed for intimacy with my husband. No more having to stop every 2 minutes to reapply something. This has completely changed everything.
  • Happy user
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This cream has made sex much less painful. 
  • Sheri
    ✅ Verified Customer
    No more pain
    I've been using Estriodol for quite some time, with some help, but definitely not enough. I heard about this product and decided to give it a try. It has helped significantly in regards to the atrophy. The information Parlor Games sends is also if great help. Just ordered my 2nd order!
  • Stacy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    They mean every bit of that sales pitch
    The 28 day challenge hooked me. I have found in the year since I did the challenge and started my subscription that the progesterone cream is also a must and that both bottles last way longer than advertised, but that is likely due to me being able to adjust to the doses that work best for me. Customer service is quite possibly the most helpful customer service I’ve ever dealt with and I’ve contacted them several times to sync shipments, delay shipments, and change payment details and even my home address. They’re definitely on the ball. And yes, that email comes out in plenty of time to make any changes to your subscription. You even sign up for text notifications. Very helpful. And they don’t spam the crap out of you. 
  • Stacy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I was a total skeptic, but I was desperate
    I just knew this product wouldn’t work. It was too inexpensive and my condition was too far gone. I was seven years postmenopausal and sex and pelvic exams felt like being stabbed with a red hot knife.  I was in tears every single time. I know, sexy, right? I read about silky peach cream for months. The name alone made me think it was all just bs, but I kept reading reviews like I’m writing right now and I begin to hope. Plus, it was cheap compared to all the non-working things my doctor prescribed. I couldn’t find much in the way of side-effects with Silky Peach Cream like those prescriptions had, either. So I had a bit of extra money one month and I took a chance. Mind you, SEVEN years! Five of those completely unable to endure sex. I had begun experiencing burning in just my day to day. Day one of using Silky Peach Cream and the burning reduced. Each day it got better. (I used it every day at first) By about week two or so, the burning was completely gone, but I started experiencing hot flashes so I ordered the Progesterone cream. The hot flashes stopped. Six months later, I went for my annual pelvic. Lo and Behold, no pain, not even a little. I told my doctor about Silky Peach Cream and she was all on board. This is the same doctor who tried to help me but, well, didn’t. In fact, I felt pretty dismissed by her. It’s been over a year now. I no longer use either product daily, but I use it consistently. It was a game changer. Try it. I don’t care how many times you have been burned by other products and even doctors, Try it. You won’t be sorry.
  • Deb
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works!
    I'm postmenopausal, married for 46 years, and have been suffering from dryness for years. This made such a difference in my private area and with our sex life and my day-to-day comfort. Love it!!!
  • Anonymous
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Life changing!
    After giving birth 10 times, of course my body was done. After 20 years I gave in and had prolapse surgery with a partial hysterectomy. The pain in my joints and me hips got so bad I couldn't walk up the stairs. It took 2 mm months of two pumps a day to notice a difference. Now I wake up pain free and can start walking again! I love this simple lovely product. Thank you!
  • Happy girl
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This stuff is amazing!
    Absolute game changer for any woman who’s going through issues with their private parts!
  • Deb
    ✅ Verified Customer
    No more painful intercourse.
    Easy to use, prefer silky peach over Dr prescribed medication. I went from hating intercourse, it was causing tears and bleeding. It was very painful and unpleasant. Thanks to Silky peach  we are back to having great sex! 
  • Lettie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great hormone replacement therapy
    I'm an 81 year old woman and found myself in a dilemma when my prescription insurance would no longer pay for my hormone replacement therapy. Needless to say, as a retired person, I have to watch my expenses. Seeing a Parlor Games advertisement, I liked what I read about their product and decided to give them a try. It didn't take long before I started seeing positive results and I've been using the product ever since, and it's also affordable.
  • Eelcatcher
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Still doubtful
    I've been traveling and working many hours , so haven't been as assiduous in using this as to give it a fair trial. Seems to give a little extra moisture and certainly has stopped an itchy feeling at night. Will try a couple of extra months.
  • D
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Very helpful
    Being post menopausal, all forms of estrogen are welcomed! This fills the gaps of my estradiol rx.
  • Cher
    ✅ Verified Customer
    WOW, just wow!!
    After only 2-3 weeks use ... the orgasms were unbelievable and deeper than ever in my life. And, I am 68 years young. The sandy, dry vault is gone! The pain is nearly gone. I've not had one UTI since starting Peachy .. I was having 2-3 a month. I am a happy woman!!
  • Lindalou
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It’s working
    I started using this about 3 months ago, and I can feel the difference.
    Not itching or having as many issues down there.
    I will continue to use and would recommend to women who have vaginal issues.
  • Lioness
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great product!
    Good results with the first 2 bottles 
  • Pamela R
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky peach is better than any prescription or pharmaceutical product I have used
    Silky Peach is the best product that I have used overall including prescription products I don’t like using the prescription stuff because I have had cancer before and I’ve been on it for about six years, but this seems to be helping with the problem and the estradiol cream that I was using did not. I have just started using the bounce and vibrant third I can’t wait to see what the effects are with it but the silky peach has helped as far as tenderness and the lining seems to be better overall, I really think you guys for your wonderful product.
  • Mel
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Just started using this product
    I just started using this and I think I’m noticing a difference. I will continue using it for a few months and let you know how it’s working. 
  • Lacy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I love this stuff it really works
    I took a chance buying this. It had good ingredients which is what got my interested in trying it. I was so sick and tired of the dryness, burning and hourly restroom wake ups every night. I noticed a huge difference in just a few days. Now when I wake I don't have to tell myself "we'll you might as well get up now because you'll need to go in another hour." This stuff works. The dryness took a month to go away but it's smooth sailing. I now only use it a couple times a week. If you're on the fence just do it. You will not regret it.
  • Gracie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach Cream
    I couldn’t believe how well this product worked the first time I used it. I use it every day and am very pleased at the great outcome. Thank You!!!!
  • Judy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Amazing news
    As someone who had a hysterectomy then a sacrocolpopexy. My Dr recommended Estradiol, I myself know, what these kinds of hormones do.. I'm not interested in any of that so I used this peachy cream product and I know it's safe and does what expected. My Dr thought I'd been using Estridiol, I came clean and told her I was using this peachy cream , she was pleasantly surprised on how much my lady parts improved. I'm sticking with this instead of the HRT prescribed, stay natural ladies
  • Lady Di
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Really works!
    I’m so shocked to be able to say this cream truly works! AND it works quickly! I used have pain but I don’t anymore. I also notice I have not had a UTI since I started using it. I also put some on my face and people notice that my skin looks radiant and smooth. I’m hooked on it and my husband is thrilled! He’s 14 years younger than I am and very horny! Me and my Muff thank you so much Parlor Games! 
  • Clasybird
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Atrophy? Dry up and blow away? LOL
    This was my first thought when my Dr. said this word to me. I was told that was not going to happen when I immediately asked that question.
    I didn't get a very understandable explanation as to what it was. Mother nature type answer. 🤪 was told slight atrophy.
    I was having some pain with intercourse, but manageable, mega dryness and some bleeding always, which was a little scary. Finding peachy cream on facebook and getting better information, sealed giving it a try.
    It was 12 months before having sex again, due to becoming a widow, and was using peachy cream the whole time. I can say now after 2 yrs of use that everything seems back to normal, libido is good, wetness so much better, no pain, no bleeding.
    Sex is back and better than before. I am 63 and feeling good about sex.
  • Pansygirl
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I'm impressed
    I noticed a big difference after using this for just 3 weeks. My night sweats went away. Vaginal lubrication was better. I was hoping it would increase my libido (I've been using it for 4 months now) but I can't say that it has done that, but definitely worth my continuing to use it.
  • Linny
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works!
    I’ve been using this for about 6 months now and it has solved my dryness and thin, sore tissue problems. Very easy to use. 
  • Vera B.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    this seriously helps
    Lifechanging! Gives me desire again as well as ability.
    Might be a little too much probiotic for me so I don't do it every night. Everyone finds their own balance.
  • LT
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach Cream
    For any woman experiencing dryness, burning , itching.. This product i’ve found so far very helpful. 
  • SB
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach
    Everything has improved( you know). Silky Peach is exactly what it says it is. Feels like it helps with gliding along, no friction.
  • CJH
    ✅ Verified Customer
    My OB-Gyn approves!
    I started using Silky Peach after reading other members talking about how much it has improved their lichen schlerosis, which I also have. I use a clobesteril lotion 1 or 2 days a week, and Emu Aid the other days which has helped with dryness, itching. The Silky Peach does also seem to help with relieving discomfort. Then...
    I started using Silky Peach every night a few weeks before my ob gyn appointment. She told me to keep using it as she sees a big improvement in my skin. Thats the most encouraging change since my diagnosis with this cruel disease!
  • Katee
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It is amazing!
    This stuff is amazing … for years I was going to my gyno and given all kinds of salves, hormonal creams, they suggested lubricants but none of it worked. Within a week silky peach had my issues under control and back to normal!  
  • moni
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Amazing and Satisfying Lifesaver
    who knew? a little pea sized drop would be so miraculous? The dryness and that terrible itch is gone! I feel like myself again! Try it, you will not be disappointed! 
  • moni
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Amazing and Satisfying
    This has been a godsend. I feel so much better and back to my old self again. That annoying itch and pain are gone. Thank You!
  • Donna
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Comfortable and Joy
    I’m so happy to have found this product. I’m 68 and have been post menopausal for 18 years. As I’ve aged my “lady bits”have become uncomfortable. I have dealt with the dryness with vaseline based products. I saw an ad on FB and thought I’d try it. It burned for a few applications but after that the burning stopped. Each woman is different. Try using it every other night? Or, one pump a night? Until your body gets used to it to it. The reviews are impressive but you have to see how it works for you. I wasn’t disappointed. Also, you become a member of a FB community of women, who have taken charge of their bodies, when you purchase the product. 
  • Bonnie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Parlor Games
    Excellent source of information and products to help women who are suffering with menopausal issues. They work through their products and education to make woman’s lives more comfortable as we navigate the menopause years. Invaluable source of education with products that work!!
  • Coco
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Relief found
    I read the product description & it seemed to address all my issues. I have been suffering in silence. I have tried everything and nothing worked longterm. I felt relief after the 1st use. I have ordered every month since 10/2024. It's worth every penny!
  • Nana
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Am so glad I found Silky Peach cream as my insurance no longer covers my Estriol. I use it every day and can definitely tell it’s helping. I have been using it for close to a year now and plan on using it forever. 
  • Happy Camper😉
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I recieved my first order and have found Silky Peach cream to have answered all my issues and concerns. It is also very easy to apply, I use just before bed. Easy Peasy, very satisfied. 

    I have tried other Estradiol creams before that needed an applicator to use properly, always felt like cream would ooz, then plop out with morning urine.
  • Hannahsmom
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach Cream
    After 4 years of suffering with dry and tearing areas in my female area, unable to have intercourse without extreme pain, I kept trying to find something- anything to help me. NOTHING worked. With a background of breast cancer, I could not take anything estrogen related. Through Parlor Games I found out about estriol which does not attract the cancer cells so I gave it a try. It was like a miracle after about two weeks of using it my body was just about completely healed. I have been using it ever since and my sex life is coming back. Please try this!!
  • Purring Cat
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Smooth Operator
    Believe me! Your peach will be happy!!!
  • N/a
    ✅ Verified Customer
    How this helped me
    Longer story then I will share here- condensed version: around Covid & having to sleep separately for several reasons, over time our intimacy became nonexistent.
    As I aged I became comfortable with the decrease in sex. But hubby was not tho didn’t force the issue. Gave me space .
    My guilt and FOMO eventually lead me to seek some answers! Silky Peach isn’t magic, but after a month of use, my interest resurfaced & my desire heightened. Now in my early 70s I’m once again enjoying my husband & he is definitely a happy guy!
  • Wac
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach Cream
    Im so glad my boyfriend sent me info on this terrific product. I love it and it's amazing. It made me feel like a new person. My boyfriend loves it also. Better then what the Dr. could do. I highly recommend!!!!
  • Great Grandma
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Was recovering from a UTI when  I tried your product…  I’ve happily used it daily since.  At 77 years old, I learned valuable info from you 😉Thank you
  • Deb
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I’m not a reviewer- unless it’s a 10+.  Ladies, this is a home run. I am a cancer survivor and went through menopause at 41. Life changing-yes. But I’m a survivor. As life progressed, without hormones, things got a little “less than supple”.  At 64, what did I have to loose? Silk Peach cream is a woman’s savior. In 2 weeks of use, I felt a difference. At 4 weeks, no more “raisin” looking labia.  I’m back to looking and feeling like I did at 35.  It was so successful, I’m now also incorporating it into my facial regimen. This company is amazing. Supportive, informative and with such an easy return system…please take the chance!  Everyone is different, so be patient.  Thank you, Parlor Games-Kate and Kirstie for giving me my lady bits back.  
  • Empty c
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Amazing !
    So glad I found this product . Super easy to use , my lady bits are no longer uncomfortable and hot flashes gone . One of the best things I have ever bought for myself and my partner ( wink , wink) When I first started using it , there was a bit of discomfort . But the thing to remember is if you have super dry hands and you put lotion on :it stings . Same for down there !  A day or two , and so much better . Love that it’s made with natural ingredients as well ! 
  • Katznip
    ✅ Verified Customer
    LOVE this product!
    My body was ruined from menopause and chemo combination. Lady parts were in total atrophy. I didn't think I would ever be intimate again. This works! I still have a little pain but it's getting better with each use. I would recommend this to anyone! Thank you so much for these products
  • Heidi
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Fun times
    I never thought I’d need a product like this, but I’m sure glad it exists!!!
  • Elizabeth
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game changer
    Silky peach has been a total game changer. All my lady bits work as intended now, and I’ll never be without it again!
  • Angie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Amazing Product!
    I highly recommend Silky Peace Creme! I was one year post total hysterectomy when I discovered SPC, total game changer for me. All the symptoms I was having the SPC had corrected and sex is super enjoyable again! Thank you Parlor Games for making products that are phenomenal!
  • Dalmom
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This stuff works!
    Not much to say other than THIS STUFF WORKS! Tried the prescription stuff - was expensive, didn't work and in general felt icky. Silky Peach does exactly what it says it will do, feels wonderful, and I feel great!
  • Sewing lady
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Helps with dryness.
    I don’t have hot flashes, but it definitely helps with dryness.

    No sex since I started using it, so no reference there.
  • Lindam165
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I'm tickled!
    Literally, I am feeling tickled in my Lady Bits, and that tells me that I am healing. It's been a long time since I've felt this way. Yes, I'm tickled!
  • JW
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach Cream LA LA
    This product does actually work! I was skeptical but I am now a believer.
  • Bambie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky peach cream
    Love my silky peach cream made a world of difference 
  • V
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky peach
    I had the problem of dryness and itching. I’ve been a widow for several years and thought that part of my life was over until I starting using silky peach. It took care of all my lay bits. Sex is wonderful again  with my partner and would recommend this product. Thanks for a great product!
  • Marie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach Cream is Awesome!!
    I ordered SPC in November. I hadn't had sex in over 10 years...met my wonderful fiance at our 50th class reunion. The 1st time we were intimate there was absolutely no way we could have penetration. It wasn't going to happen even though we used lube. The pain was unbearable. I was devastated thinking that it wasn't going to ever happen. I got online and started researching, found Silky Peach Cream and immediately ordered. After receiving I started using once a day. The next time we were together was 2 weeks from when I started applying. OMG...the difference was absolutely amazing and it keeps getting better. It is like we are both 17 again. We can't keep our hands off each other! I am plump and very wet every single time! We can't thank you enough. I told two of my girlfriends and my sister about this awesome product!
  • Kelly
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works!!!
    It’s working! I’ve tried many other products including Revaree with no noticeable results. Just one purchase and I’m a happy 😉 customer!
  • Muffett
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach Cream
    Silky Peach Cream is wonderful!  It has made a world of difference in my sex life!   I thought that part of my life was done and I missed it.  I am so glad I found you. Thank you for being there!
  • CTJPMarie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Beyond Amazing!!!!
    Omg who knew a silly little pea size cream could change your life??? But it did! I hadn’t slept thru the night in 20 years-now I sleep like a baby. No more up and down with multiple trips to the bathroom. Now I simply sleep and I find it amazing! So in this case if I could I’d give it 10,000 stars! Trust me!
  • Blessed Bee
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Can You Spell Relief!
    Before I started using Silky Peach Cream having intercourse with my husband had gotten very uncomfortable. I had a total hysterectomy when I was 32 years old because of fibroid tumors and precancerous hyperplasia of the uterine lining. I took P$%#& for 20 years until the big scare that P#@$% was causing breast cancer. I tried many other types of therapies until I was so overwhelmed and frustrated that I stopped all of it and just went through menopause. I take CoQ10 and that has helped a lot, but around the time I turned 60 I started noticing a lot more pain during sex. I have absolutely no sex drive but I believe that I still need to take care of my husband. I saw this product and although it was a little out of my budget, I gave it a try. I’m so glad I did! I noticed a huge difference within the first two weeks of using it. I’m very happy with Silky Peach Cream and will continue to use it, working it into my budget for as long as I’m able. I think it’s worth it!
  • Susan S
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great product
    It is a wonderful product. I have suffered with dryness ever since my hysterectomy at 24. Love this product! Definitely recommend to a friend. I have to say orgasms seem to be more intense. That area is moisturized and not like sandpaper as before.
  • User
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I’ve struggled with vaginal dryness for over 20 years. I’ve tried everything including laser surgery. This is the best thing I’ve tried and I highly reccomend it
  • HJ
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great product
    Helps my lady bits with moisture. No stinging, no smell, no mess. 
  • Ro
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I have lichen sclerosis and doctors have given me steroid ointments to manage it. They did not work. I have tried prescription estrogen, but it costs $300. A month after insurance has paid their portion. I only used it for a month because of that. 
    Silky Peach cream is the only thing that has helped me. It’s much easier than the prescription estrogen. I know longer am irritated in that area which makes life so much more comfortable. Still haven’t tried intercourse, but I will. 
  • Poodle_Lady
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works
    I've been using Silky Peach Cream for a while, I can't remember when exactly I started, I'm on my 3rd bottle now, the 4th one is on the way, so probably about 5 months. I was on estrogen pills because of my hotflashes, and when I turned 62 I felt that it was time to stop. Silly of me to stop at the beginning of a Texas summer and thinking it wouldn't be a big deal. The hotflashes came back with a vengeance, several each hour and nights were horrible. The good ones, you know, at 2:45 am, start like an engine revving in the pit of the spot where my uterus used to be and then expand outward, creating not just the heat but also a little panic attack. It was super. I saw the ad for this cream and felt like it might help, maybe just some, it definitely wouldn't hurt and it was affordable. Guess what?! It really does help! In the middle of my second bottle I realized that I felt better. Much less flashy, and I thought that maybe I was over the hotflash time of my life. So I started forgetting to religiously apply it nightly. Ha, it didn't take long, and my nights (and days) were miserable again. So I'm back to nightly applications, and feel great again.
    If you're sick of being hot, and being in the grip of your hormones, give this a try. You may not feel relief as fast as you want, but you may just realize one day that you can't remember for sure when you've had your last really bad hotflash.
  • Sgibson
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great product
    This product works just as they promised. So  happy for this and their other products!
  • Linda
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky peach cream
    I have recommended this to several women this stuff does everything it says
  • Peri-me VA
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Give it a try
    I’ve only been using this for a month and have already started seeing and feeling the results. Dryness and itchiness have improved and I feel instant relief as soon as I apply it. Very pleased with the Peachy Cream so far!
  • Lucy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Works great
    I am so glad I saw an ad for this product.  It works!  Sex is enjoyable again!  I only wish I’d known about it sooner!
  • ZDH
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Without the Silky Peach Cream my life was miserable. I had constant feelings of UTI's, itching, burning. Whatever could go wrong down there seemed to happen. I love this cream and I'll never give it up!
  • Midwife4
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Life Changing!
    This cream has literally changed my life! I was in constant pain. Burning, friable skin and need to frequently urinate have vanished.  I was diagnosed with lichen sclerosis decades ago. Long term use of steroids had made my tissue thin and friable.  After 4-6 weeks of nightly use, my tissue is plumper, and the constant burning has stopped.  Urinary frequency and nocturia has also greatly decreased.  A true miracle!  And absolutely life changing! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 
  • Sherian
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach
    The cream has improved my bladder control and relieved the itching that I suffered.
  • Rhonda
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game changer
    Game changer, miracle results. Love this product.
  • Cathy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Made a difference
    The products work! I use the SPC, V3 and Rebounce. It has restored my "lady bits" and increased my well-being.
  • TONY M
    ✅ Verified Customer
    amazing products
    66 year old healthy female,had normal sexual issues for my age.We tried many products.We now use all 3 of your products together form the start we saw postive results.Now after a few years of use we have the sex life of a 30 year old couple,I feel
  • Tam
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Drastic difference and a good one
    I'm 62 now, at about 59 I could no longer have sex because of the pain. And I have missed it. I will very happily admit I use to love sex and have a guy who loved it just as much as I did. He was and is a rare find, I know for fact LOL. But then sex became to painful. That great guy has stuck by me anyhow, but I felt constantly that it wasn't right or fair. He had needs too. Tried a lot of things, docs included, P%$#@%, however you spell it, it was useless, none worked. Happened upon Silky Peach. For me it did take about 3 months, once a evening, for the pain to disappear. But disappear it did! Whoop! Whoop! I am back in action. Happy man LMAO This is real life. And I'm adding that, because when I first decided to try it, I thought this was just another scam. Its not. Peachy Cream is the real deal
  • Backinthesaddle
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Revitalizes Downtown
    Post menopause left my downtown feeling dry and prone to abrasions during frisky time. In the myriad of products that promise women better s*x, this is one that actually delivers. In my experience Silky Peach definitely lives up to its name. 
  • Sherry T
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach Cream
    Silky Peach Cream is a wonderful product. I feel so much better since I have been using it.  I showed the brochure about it to my Dr. and she asked if she could keep it and recommend it to some of her other patients.
  • Crystal
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Amazing results!
    I've been using Silky Peach Cream for over a year with fantastic results. I use it regularly. It has definitely taken care of the vaginal dryness.
    At 74 I'm enjoying an active sex life again. Thank you Paror Games.
  • Sherry m
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works
    I have used this for a couple of years now. Boyfriend(s) have commented on how moist I am.
    And I don't tell them how, just that it's magic😁❤️
  • Stephanie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I discovered silky peach cream on an Instagram ad as I was battling estrogen, positive breast, cancer, and struggling with chemotherapy induced menopause. Silky peach cream, saved my sex life. I recommend this product to every woman I know. Three times per week has me totally back to normal. Thank you so much!
  • Sue
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Life saving
    I am so glad i gave this product a chance.  I had tried others and was very disappointed. When i said ok i will give it one more try after several had failed.  Well this was THE ONE.  Life has changed and its great.  I can have painless sex again and relax to enjoy it.  I very highly recommend this product.  Even my gynecologist took a pic of this product to recommend to other patients with this issue.  So happy i did this one.  👍👍
  • Christine
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Satisfied Customer
    Great product! Smell? What Great product! Smell? What smell..... This takes care of embarrassing odors! And dryness... All gone! Itchiness... All gone! Try it for yourself and you will agree!!
  • C. Haines
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I thought my vagina died.
    One day I took a hand mirror to look at my Vijayjay because of the discomfort and tenderness after my period stopped/menopause. 
    It was completely black down there. 
    I was shocked. I tried everything shea butter, vaginal creams, A and D ointment and baby powder. Nothing worked. I stumbled on a silky peach cream advertisement. I read the ingredients and researched the hormones effect.
    NOTE: I’m totally against hormone replacements to deal with the natural process of my body. 
    I tried this silky peach cream and OMG what difference it made. My Vijayjay color is back, she nice and plump again and I’m not tender to the touch after 2 months of using silky peach 🍑 cream.

    Thank you for this product. 
  • Janna
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Comfortabl is back!
    Finally! Something that makes "it" all comfy and moist again.
    I use all 3 products, and feel a big difference in my energy. I'm 73 years. So much better all the way around!!
    Thank you! !!

Here's what women are saying about
Vibrant Third... 

4.86 out of 5
424 customers
  • Stacy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    You need this if you’re going to use Silky Peach Cream
    While Silky Peach Cream was performing its own miracles on me, I began to experience some pretty intense hot flashes eight years post menopause. Vibrant Third Progesterone stopped that completely, I feel like immediately. These products combined are simply magical. 
  • Dianah C
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Magical mood shifter.
    I’ve been using this in tandem with the peachy cream. It evens out the peachy cream which uses alone makes me mean and keeps me from ripping my husband’s head off. I only use every other day the same with the peachy cream.  I know some say it keeps them up but it doesn’t do that me. So glad I found this product.  
  • Tammie W
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Superior product
    A beautiful way to balance to my progesterone naturally. In just a month I’m already seeing an improvement in hot flashes and it’s a great compliment to my Silky Peach Cream. Yay! 
  • Lesa C - AZ
    ✅ Verified Customer
    THIS is one of the products you have been missing!
    Parlor Games has the best products out there! Not to mention their amazing emails and website full of all the information no one EVER told you! The V3 was the third product I purchased from PG. For me, a little goes a long way on this one, but enhances the gains from my SPC and Rebounce!! Highly recommend-bioidentical products.
  • Tyga
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Yea! Help at last without pills
    Vibrant Third helps me sleep! So much easier to drift off naturally.
  • MsBumblebee2008
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I've been using Vibrant Third for over two years. I only use half a pump in the morning on a daily basis and my hot flashes have all but disappeared!! I would definitely recommend this product to anyone (Female) who is having hot flashes or anything else pertaining to menopause. Vibrant Third is a great non-prescription solution to your problems of the female variety.
  • LL
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I use this daily
    I use this as well as the Peach cream, because I have a uterus. I believe it has also improved my sleep and my blood pressure.
  • Debbie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Every time I put this on, I feel an immediate sense of calming. I put it on before bedtime and it immediately soothes my body and mind. I have become far more mellow since using this.
  • PJG
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Don't pause and get this for your health!
    After using the Silky Peach Cream, I did not think I would need anything else. Wrong! So I gave it a try.
    Once I started using this Progesterone cream, I noticed a big difference in my mood. I want to stay healthy as I age. This cream will balance you out on all that your body is missing.
  • Patti Pro
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Love it!
    Definitely helps me sleep better!! This is a great product!
  • Dino
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant Third
    I normally do not do reviews but, I really like this product and have recommended it to several friends.
  • PJG
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Didn't think I needed this but it does work!
    I purchased this item to balance out the Silky Peach Cream. Have been using this Vibrant Third Progesterone Cream for about a month. When I forgot to bring it on vacation. After 2 weeks without this product, I have definitely noticed how it does help with sleep and mood swings. I have even shared The Parlor Games information with my DIL. Thank you for making these bio-identical items to help us adapt to aging.
  • Janis T
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Immediate relief
    If you are sensitive to your body you will notice instant calming with this product. Progesterone is completely underrated. We need it much more than we realize. It helps for so many physical things but also mental and emotional help. Helps you keep those snuggle feelings toward your man.
  • PMS
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Big Help!
    I have been using this at night, to help balance the SPC, it helps me get quality rest, feel less anxious and have an over all sense of balance. It works as described.
  • Gayle
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I'm calmer!
    It does help! I'm calmer with it. I think both of their products for me (progesterone and estriol) help.Finally products that actually do what they say!
  • Laurie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    better sleep
    I use this 5x a week and have noticed better sleep.
  • Elizabeth H
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I’ve been using this for over a year and I won’t be without it! It’s easy to use and helps keep me in balance.
  • Denise
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Beyond happy
    I use the peachy cream and it is amazing! I have been using for 3 months. I can even tell my over all well being has improved so much. I just ordered the Progesterone and I know it will work also. Great company! I reached out to them by email and they got right back to me!! With all the products out there with disappointing results I can tell you this one does what it says. Very happy customer.
  • Kirb
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Progesterone works!
    I have used progesterone for years. It helps during all phases of womanhood! Highlybrecommend
  • L Johnson
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It Works!
    Vibrant third works great to balance you out when taking SPC. I’ve been using these products for over three years and they are amazing. Finally something to help women cope with the effects of menopause!!
  • Caroled B
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great Balancing Act
    Vibrant Third Progesterone is great for helping me sleep better and I consider it a must to go along with the Silky Peach Cream.
  • Menopause Sucks
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Lifesaver cream
    This cream is fast absorbing, doesn’t leave behind a sticky feeling like some other progesterone creams and best of all, it works. This cream has really helped in addition to the silky peach cream. Lifesavers. 
  • Peaches
    ✅ Verified Customer
    V3 for the win
    I started using V 3 almost a year ago. I normally use it 3 times a week. What I have noticed is I can rise up from a squatting position without soreness or difficulty. No stiffness in my hips at all. I went on a vacation for a week and thought I wouldn’t need it , boy was I sorry. It has given me amazing relief is all I can testify to. As mentioned previously if I go without it I definitely notice a difference. For me it’s a win! If you are hesitant it’s worth a try, just like silky peach if you don’t try you will never know. I won’t be without it.
  • Tracy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I was having hot flashes and night sweats along with disturbance in my sleeping.  After using this I was tremendously surprised, much cooler and I sleep very well now.  Thank you!!!
  • BMCB
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Really Works
    This has really helped me.   I’m not as dry and feel better overall.  I would recommend along with the Silky Peach Cream.
  • Denise
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant 3rd
    Love this
  • jewelsull
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vib 3rd
    My quality of life improved so much using this product.
  • Kathy B.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    These products have made a huge difference in the quality of my sleep, mood and so much more.
  • Granny Clampett
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Good stuff!
    I’m post menopausal and severely dry “down there,” but I’ve been using the Peachy estriol, the progesterone cream and the Rebounce DHEA for about 6 months and I am experiencing some stuff that I haven’t felt since high school. Just try it!
  • GG
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great product
    This is a great product. It delivers what was promised.
  • Granny Robbie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Brain Fog be gone
    Don't just give 5 stars often. 4 is a great review of the product from me. Arrived swiftly. Securely. No smell to lotion was detected. Put on wrist and 4 hours later feels soft and smooth. Have high hopes for bone density retention, brain fog reduction, less depression as well as increase balance of my hormone levels at 65 y.o. and counting, 28 years after officially being declared your in early menopause. Starting low and slow as in half pump every few days and then increase over time as directed. I don't mind figuring out where it is working for me emotionally and physically. What level do I need, rather than what others are taking. This is not a race but a selfish lover of myself reasoning.
  • Joyful
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Happier me
    At 77, I decided that all that seemed crappy was due to age and then I discovered Vibrant 3. I ordered this along with Silky Peach and have been using for a couple of months. What a difference.....less bloating, better sleep, energy and happier. Able to be in the flow of life instead of the eddies. Thank you Parlor Games.
  • BrendaF
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant Third
    I love this product
  • Robin G
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Works as promised
    I feel that using Vibrant 3 my sex drive has returned, my brain fog is lifting, my hot flashes are very seldom.  Something so simple to do, to feel like my younger self.  I’m so very thankful that I read parlor-games information on Face book.
  • Marty
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Thank God I found this product!
    This product along with the estriol cream has made the world of difference for me. Western medicine only offered me k y jelly pearls which failed to fix the root cause of my problems.
  • BrendaF
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant 3
    I really love this cream! 
  • Barbara L.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Wonderful addition
    I can only speak subjectively, but I am happy with this progesterone cream. I use it every 2-3 evenings. It seems to help with more restful sleep. I assume it is helping with some balance with the Silky Peach product which I use daily.
  • LL
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant 3rd creme
    I began the Vibrant Third after the starting the Peachy, because I still have my uterus. I use it every day. I am in my seventies, well past menopause. No problems or issues with this product. I do think I am sleeping better with it, not that I had severe sleep issues prior.
  • Lolo
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant 3rd
    No one tells you all the changes your body will go through post menopause. I had prescriptions from the doctor that cost over 60 dollars and it caused other issues. This product works,I feel over all balanced. Mind and body, sex is not painful anymore. I will use this until I can't. It's about 90 days worth of product it is so worth it.
  • Rosa
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This product has helped with hip pain, neck pain and shoulder pain. I put the product directly in them area of the pain. It really helps! Goid product!
  • Elaine
    ✅ Verified Customer
    V3 is great
    I think I can tell a difference since I started using this 5x/week - it is hard to judge. I feel more energetic though I also have had issues with headaches. The trial-and-error of figuring out how much/how often to use is a little frustrating but I do think it makes a positive difference and definitely will continue to use it.
  • Rose A
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Grateful for Parlor Games
    I needed help and all directions not sleeping dry and forgotten lady parts. All of these products have been amazing. I don’t want to run out ever. Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing.
  • Tat
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Expensive and shipping is slow
    While the product is great, it is way too expensive and shipping takes forever. 
  • ChefduJour
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant Third also helps with osteoarthritis
    I have used Vibrant Third Progesterone for about 2 years now & I usually apply it to my knees or wrists. I have osteoarthritis in my hands & both knees. I have noticed a big improvement in my knee pain & hand & wrist pain since I have used this product daily. Besides the boost for a healthy brain, bones, boobs, heart, digestion & immune system; this product gives me much more freedome of movement in my knees & hands without pain of arthritis!!
  • MissArabian
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant third
    My Nurse Practitioner had me on the highest dose of progesterone and was still having hot flashes. Use this and no hot flashes
  • Pondlilli
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This lotion helps me have more focus
    This lotion has helped me so much. I have more focus and can concentrate on important tasks. Before using this product, I had a very bad case of brain fog. I would forget things and become easily distracted. I am grateful that I can now keep on task and concentrate because I can get more things done. It's definitely worth trying if you suffer from these symptoms.
  • Cc
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant Third
    Keeps me calmer and not so irritated easily. I have it on auto ship. One bottle will last three months or more depending on how much you need. I do 5 days a week and skip weekends.
  • Jjd
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Love them
    Use my silky peach with my vibrant third. Love these 2 together.
  • Ramona W
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great product
    I had no idea how much this Vibrant third Progesterone actually worked .
    I stopped using it for a while, until the bloating started up again, oh and don't forget the mood swings and no sleep. Needles to say. I'm back on it. Love this Progesterone 😀 thanks girls! I'm starting to feel vibrant again.

  • Young 67
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Better Sleep
    I love this product! I am 67 and my doctor wouldn’t give me any HRT because of my age. I am very active but wasn’t sleeping well. After using this I sleep so good and feel better in the morning. Thanks for this wonderful product!
  • Andrea S
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Not for me
    This did not seem to make a difference for me. I found it a bit greasy and hard to rub in. That being said that does not mean it doesn’t work for others and this company couldn’t nicer to work with. I have no complaints about customer service. Any small issue I have had or question to be answered it was always taken care of quickly and no hassle. Very friendly, nice, and understanding people. 
  • Ronnie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    So happy with this!!!
    This product has helped me feel younger and happier! I just ordered my second bottle and I can't wait to get it because I'm out of it! ☹️
  • Goldie Locks
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Don't have to try the depression med after all!
    My sleep was so bad, my GP prescribed me a depression medication to help. AFTER I paid for it at the pharmacy, I saw all the possible side effects (suicidal thoughts-yikes!) and thought, I am not that desperate to sleep..am I? Well, I am happy to say I found this progesterone cream and noticed definite sleep improvement within three days. I have seen increased improvement over the last two months and sleep through the night most nights! I also have not had any "pee emergencies" since! Thank you, Parlor Games!
  • Barb L
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Fantastic product…
    I struggled through and absolutely miserable 7 years of perimenopause and a slightly less terrible menopausal experience before discovering this excellent company dedicated to the health and wellness of women.   The relief these products have brought is immense and allowed me to get on with life free of symptoms that sapped my energy and my enthusiasm.   Thank you for the work and dedication to women’s health and mental wellbeing.  Highest marks.  
  • Coco
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This stuff works!
    This cream is the bomb. It helps me sleep and keeps the estrogen in check! It’s affordable too!
  • Pat
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Good balance
    I used SPC alone at first, added V3 after reading reviews. I definitely notice the balancing effect. The slight side effects from the SPC were gone. Notice if I forget V3. Great combo of products. 
  • Johanna C
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant Third, Subtle but Powerful
    When I was introduced to Silky Peach I knew the estriol could be the answer to my dry and shrinking vagina, and it was! However, I saw no need for progesterone (Vibrant Third) so it took a few months of educating myself to finally try it. Turns out it IS important because, in "laywoman's" terms, it balances out the estriol. The effect of Vibrant Third, though undeniable, is subtle. For me, it's about feeling more balanced once I added it to my regime, which is super important. Now I'm a "true believer" because of my own experience and not because someone convinced me. Also, I did the research. Thank you, Parlor Games. Your products have been a game changer!  Johanna
  • cfw
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant Third
    I like Vibrant Third because it balances out the Silky Peach Cream and helps me sleep well.
  • Karen B
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Helps with hot flashes
    This product helps me with hot flashes and stablizes my other hormones. I would recommend it to others.
  • Loriann
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Better mood and sleeping now
    I use daily, has helped overall with mood and sleeping . Will continue to use.
  • Cheryl R
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Sweet relief!
    Vibrant Third has been a sweet relief of hideous menopause symptoms for me. I’d been experiencing itching on my body and my head, brain fog, trouble staying asleep and strange acute oncoming of pain all over my body. I use Vibrant Third every other day before I get into bed, on my wrists or ankle. Initially I used it in the daytime and experienced a dull headache but after contacting the Parlor Games gals they advised using it a night. And that worked perfectly, no headache, AND I sleep like a babe. I use Vibrant Third in conjunction with SPC, Peachy Cream . I appreciate the support that the PG’s gals provide as well as the private FB group, as I no longer feel alone in having all these strange symptoms of the changes occurring in my body. I know there is help. Thank You mucho gratitude ♥️🌹
  • Feeling Fabulous
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This is fabulous product!
    After adjusting to the Silky Peach Cream, I added the Vibrant Third product to my routine. I use it at night and sleep so much better and I feel better overall. I have recommended the Vibrant Third and the Silky Peach Cream to my friends and they are just as happy. Love the fact that there is a private group for women to share successes and get support. This is a wonderful company and I'm so glad I found them. Thank you Kate and Kirsti! You ladies rock!
  • Pat
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great addition!
    It took awhile before I decided I needed the V3. Boy! Don't wait - I use it at night on the days I use SPC and my sleep is wonderful! I think these products are a well researched group of products that will make Menopause easier to handle.  I had a total hysterectomy 13 years ago & it has been a roller coaster since. I am 79 years young and I feel so much better taking these products!
  • Leslie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant Third Progesterone
    The best thing about Vibrant Third Progesterone, is the sound sleep I get when using it regularly. If I skip a dose  I typically awake in the middle of the night unable to fall back into a deep sleep.
  • Jennifer
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Again we need to have all of these things in order for us to be healthy. They all work together in their own way. I would be lost without them. A little bit goes a long ways. 
  • Sheris
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Better Sleep
    I added this to my nightly routine. I use it three days a week and find I am sleeping better.
  • Cindy J
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great product
    This helps level out the Silky Peach. It also helps me sleep.
  • Elizabeth
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant Third Progesterone
    I would recommend this product
  • Shawn A
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I have used V3 along with Silky peach now for over 6 months. I feel like ME again! The hot flashes are at bay, the fog has lifted from around me! I recommend this to all women who are in Menopause or have had a hysterectomy. To be without some type of progesterone just isn’t possible and to have a natural alternative is amazing! 
  • Ja T
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Amazing Results
    Very cost effective. Have used this product for over 3 years. I feel so great and my lady parts feel back to normal Amazing product and the best customer service. When I email a question they promptly respond.
  • Debbie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Balance &vitality
    Started using this 2 months ago and I feel so much better.  I feel calmer and more balanced.  Mood highs and lows have leveled out.  Highly recommend 
  • Roxalana
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works
    Thank you. It works. 
  • NanaP
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Love the V3. It really helps me sleep. I only use 2-3 times a week. That seems to work well for me. 
  • Katherine
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant Third progesterone
    In delighted with how I’m feeling 
  • Meghan
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This seems to be helping with menopause symptoms including improvement with sleep ! 
    I’ve requested my 2nd bottle. I’ll update again in a month or so .
  • Nana
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Good stuff
    I started using this a couple of months ago & it has helped me a lot. I was having bad hot flashes & now I rarely have one at all. I would definitely recommend it to anyone 
  • Sand P.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Sleep, weight, hair growth and less brain fog!! You won't believe until you try.
  • Angel
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I feel balanced!
    So grateful for a friend to recommend these products. I'm happy with the outcome and it's a game changer! Highly recommend! Thank you Parlor Games for all your studies and hard work put into these wonderful life changing products!
  • L.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Hot flashes?
    Together with silky peach, it definitely tones them down! 
  • PMS
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Feel Better
    After adding this to my regime, I use it three times a week now as that seems to be just about right. Not only has it seem to balance out my hot flashes, but it’s also helping me to sleep much better.  Highly recommend it especially if you are using the silky peach cream. They are meant to work together.
  • Berkana
    ✅ Verified Customer
    WHO KNEW!!!???
    I tried bio identical hormone cream in my late 50's.  The weight gain and hot flashes were making me miserable, but the one I tried made it worse.  This attempt was after testing, and supposed individualized compounding, but when I called to say it was making me worse, the barely-human on the other end said I was just being "resistant", because I didn't follow their orders exactly.  (That is a BIG trigger word for me, so I was done.). Fast forward to 5/24, and I found something that is helping my lady bits feel so much happier.  Using just the progesterone improved my mood, made me more comfortable with sitting!  I've added the estriol about 2x a week, and things are getting better.  Mood, energy especially.  brain, still an issue, but stress is high right now.  I'll keep using it!  PS. I've never used any hormone pills ever...natural is the only way for me.  Thanks!
  • Melina
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Beautiful Balance
  • Karen O
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant Third Progesterone
    Works to keep me sleeping well and the incontinence has gotten better. I highly recommend this for women who have gone through menopause.
  • Joy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Progesterone cream
    Helped with sleeping better at night and calmed down my daily edginesses.  
  • Mimi K
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great product to balance hormones
    Product is helping in many ways. I only need half the dose and does the job. Thank you for making good product.
  • Marie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I love V3. . .not only for protecting my uterus and balancing any estrogen that i may have stored, but also for "calm". I think it's helpful for sleep as well. Menapause has been aweful for me, possibly because I also have a slow thyroid(inspite of being treated)idk but I have many symptoms. The creams have been so comforting and so convenient and from a trusted source. There has been so much research put into us menapausal women and it's so needed and appreciated. Grateful.
  • Berni
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Renewed Vitality.
    I’m able to do more for longer period of time. Overall better. 
  • Karen p
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Before changing to the products from Parlor I used oral products and creams from another company. My doctor suggested not using oral hormones since I had a family history of breast cancer. I was a little skeptical at first but I’m a believer now I've had the same affects and no worries of cancer. I have my libido back and loving the way the peach cream makes me feel. 
  • Michelle1
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game Changer
    V3, Silky Peach, and ReBound have all been an affordable game changer for me! Insurance wouldn’t pay for enough estrogen cream to help with painful intercourse. Buying prescription cream without insurance wasn’t affordable. I started with the sample Silky Peach and V3. After a week, I wasn’t hurting anymore. I also have no menopause issues. I am 54. I started this stuff when I was probably 52. I have been in autoship ever since and had taken it all to my doctor to share with other ladies. It is affordable and works! I know use ReBound and V3 everyday and Silky Peach 3 times a week. 
  • Beverly
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant Third
    This cream has made me feel better already and I have only used it for one month! Looking forward to seeing how I feel a year from now. I wanted a hormone therapy but didn't know where to look. My gynecologist was no help at all. I found this and gave it a try and I can tell it's working already! Sex is like it used to be along with the Silky Peach Cream.
  • lee
    ✅ Verified Customer
    waste of money
    felt no difference
  • Wendy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It helps me sleep
    I have found that using Vibrant Third has been helping me sleep. I use one pump every other day. I am so happy to have found Parlor-games products!
  • Evlyn M.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Helps sleep
    I have only been using Vibrant Third a month or so. I can't say I've noticed much. I think that it has helped me sleep through the night. But I will keep using it and see what else it helps. I had breast cancer and take pills to lower my Estrogen.
  • Kat
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game changer
    15 years since menopause with vaginal atrophy- used peachy  and after a few months I feel amorous again snd have a new man in my life!  Who would have ever guessed?  It's not over until it's over! 
  • Belinda
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant 3rd is a Must!
    I use V3 about 5xweek. Fewer hot flashes, libido on point, I feel like I did before menopause hit. Been using for 3 years, won’t stop!😁
  • Tina Casey Jones
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Jury is still out
    I gave this a 5-star review as I'm still not sure this will work for me, but I'm an optimist and have faith. Just ordered my second bottle of Vibrant Third.
  • KellBell
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Helps me sleep
    Helps balance out the silky peach cream. Helps me sleep. Love that
  • Annie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    My hot flashes have definitely decreased. I’m hoping with longer use it will help with weight. I like it.
  • Johanna C
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Feels righr
    After a month of using Silky Peach Cream (SPC) which is really working, I added Vibrant 3rd (V3) to my regimen. I use one pump every other day to even out the effects of the estriol in SPC. The progesterone in V3 has a subtle but real calming effect on me and research shows that it can help with other things like bone health and more. The combination of these two products is making me feel better than I have in the last ten years and I am a customer for life!
  • Con B
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Vibrant third
    Vibrant Third cream has definitely helped, especially in sleeping. I pair it with Peachy Cream as instructed, both of these creams has made me feel more balanced, and sex is back in my life! I tell everyone I come in contact with about them, even my gynecologist! 

Here's what women are saying about
Chaos Calmer... 

4.9 out of 5
155 customers
  • Dianah C
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game changer.
    Use this before bed. I don’t sleep well but this definitely helps. It’s a game changer and lets me get the rest I need. 
  • Stephanie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Instant calm
    Chaos calmer is like my secret weapon. A little dab on my wrists in the back of my hands when I feel that menopausal anxiety coming on calms me right down. I’m so grateful to have this product in my toolbox.
  • All Knotted Up
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Surprising and Wonderful
    I suffer from muscle knots that results mainly from too many hours in front of a computer. I have started taking magnesium supplements to help, but found limited improvement. I tried Chaos Calmer and have been truly amazed at the impact on the muscle. The overall soothing that comes with it is a great side benefit.
  • Deb
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Good Sleep Again
    I have been using Chaos Calmer for few months and it helps me sleep. I know because if I don’t use it, I sleep restlessly and realize I didn’t use it that night. I just apply it in the middle of the night, and read a bit until it kicks in❤️.
  • Debbie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I use this every night. I rub on the tops of my hands and it helps me relax and fall asleep. 
  • Laurie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I can feel my chaos being calmed within 10 min. of applying this cream. I love to put it on right before bed.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    For guys, too
    I put this on the inside of my forearms each night. It helps me stay asleep and pushes aside my body’s effort to become an insomniac.
  • Sweet1dt
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Truly calms the chaos
    Chaos Calmer helps me feel balanced and reduces anxiety. Going into the holiday season, I'm able to take on the extra activities without feeling stressed out. It's a great part of my Parlor Games medicine chest...I use and love them ALL!
  • Gvm
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Works but at the wrong time
    I bought this to help with sleep. I definitely feel the physical relaxation probably from the magnesium but one of the other ingredients really woke my mind up. Couldn’t sleep and ended up taking a rx medication. It’s not for me but probably works well for others.
  • Laurie H
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Right before bed
    I love this product! Not only does it help me fall slowly to sleep at night, but my hands look lovely and much younger than 67 🤩
  • Chatty
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Need help sleeping?
    This stuff works! When I am unable to quiet my brain with thoughts, to-do lists and schedules I put this on as directed and I fall asleep!
  • Marie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos Calmer
    This is an amazing cream. When I need to sleep after a chaotic day, I use this and it helps me rest. When I’m at work and i feel  anxious I use this and it helps with in a few minutes , I can’t live without this! This is a natural and amazing product !
  • Kari L
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos Calmer
    I'm loving the Chaos Calmer! It turns off all the "mind noise" that makes it impossible to get to sleep. Before using it, as soon as my head hit the pillow my mind would begin to recall everything I did, or meant to do that day. Plus, every 80's song I ever heard on a loop that wouldn't quit! I would highly recommend Chaos Calmer to anyone that wants to be able to have a peaceful night's sleep.
  • Jennifer
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos Calmer
    I use this each time I get out of the shower every couple of days. This really helps me with my anxiety. I don’t feel as stressed out as I do when I do t use it for a few days. It usually last a couple of days for me and really does help with this. I am ever so grateful to have found these ladies. They have been such a lifesaver to my body and over all health, where the doctors have failed me. Thank you so much for what you do for us. 
  • Leslie inCA
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I’m a terrible sleeper and Chaos Calmer is just enough to help my brain let a peaceful calm allow sleep. I have used it when waking during the night also & still woke up in the morning without a hangover. I have recommended Chaos Calmer to friends with the same sleeping issues due to the delights of this glorious menopause… sarcasm, a gift of age.
  • LynneG
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Get back to sleep
    My elderly dog wakes me up once or twice a night to go out. After going downstairs and back up, I have trouble getting back to sleep. That's why Chaos Calmer is on my bedside table. A quick application and some slow breathing and I'm back to sleep!
  • Mayzie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Bedtime Routine
    I decided to try the Chaos Calmer on a whim! I suffer from insomnia. Even when I do get to sleep, it takes a long time for me to actually fall asleep and I struggle with staying asleep. So I tried it.
    Now it is an integral part of my bedtime routine! I apply a couple of pearl sized dollops to the inside of my arms starting at the wrist and stoping at the inside of the elbow. I massage them in and wait for everything to absorb while I brush my teeth and do my skincare routine. Once I lay down in bed, I can already feel it relaxing me and I drift off so much easier.
    I feel like it quiets the noise and tornado of thoughts I have in my head.
  • LS
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Buy it, try, it works!
    Chaos Calmer is a game changer for me. After 5 years of sleep issues (not being able to stay asleep), trying other sleep aids, Chaos Calmer is the only one what works for me. Apply it, give it a few minutes, and feel your mind clear, and be gently lulled to sleep. It is just wonderful! I use all Parlor Game products. All work fantastuc. My last purchase was for 2 Choas Calmers. One for me and one for a friend. Yeah, Parlor Game products are the best thing I've run across to lessen my menopause woes.
  • Debbie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Calmness without drugs!
    This cream is a lifesaver for anxiety and stress. Sometimes in life for whatever reason, we are triggered with anxiousness or anxiety and this cream just calms you in very little time. I always have it with me.
  • Tammi R
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game Changer for Deep Sleep
    Chaos Calmer has been such a helpful addition to getting good, deep sleep now that menopause has disrupted the great sleep I used to get. I fall asleep quickly and sleep 6 hours straight before I wake up to go to the bathroom. Then I return to sleep easily for another several hours. I also love the fact that Chaos Calmer is all natural and has no negative side effects!
  • Beth R
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos calmer is my “go-to” at night when I can’t get my mind to settle. I rub it on the bottoms of my feet and wrists. It helps me to fall asleep faster or fall back to sleep. I keep it by my bedside and use it almost every night. It does exactly what it says, it calms the chaos. Thank you Parlor Games for this product. 
  • Bird
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos Calmer
    My husband myself and daughter use nightly and sleep like babies my daughter moved out a few weeks ago and had anxiety being out on her own she has been doing 2 pumps before bed and is able to sleep.
  • Cynthia S
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Rest in Menopause
    I’ve had trouble sleeping for years; I could fall asleep quickly but would wake up around 2-3 am and couldn’t get back to sleep. Chaos Calmer has been a dream for me. Now, if I do wake up during the night, I almost always fall right back to sleep. I also might use it on an extra stressful day, and I does help me calm down. Thank you so much for these amazing products!!
  • Laura S
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Not Just For Stress
    Chaos Calmer does help me deal with stress and anxious feelings, it also helps me to get back to sleep if I wake up in the night, but a really nice added benefit is that, because it contains magnesium, it helps reduce my joint pain! I apply it directly to my hips and elbows. AND, unlike most magnesium creams, it does not make me itchy!
  • L.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I didn’t think that I’d ever find something that could take the edge off of my anxiety! It helps me breath again!
  • Pat
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I use this at night before bed. Go to sleep right away & stay asleep!
  • PMS
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Better Sleep
    I rubbed this on my feet and ankles before bed. Alternating feet each night. Not only has it helped with my overall relaxation, it also helps me with restless leg syndrome. I haven’t had a single problem with it since I’ve started using this at night. I’m assuming it’s the magnesium.
  • Tammy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Brain soothing and calmness promoting!
    Results are undeniable! I use it before bed to quiet the sometimes racing thoughts from the day. If I have anxiety or angst during the day, I also use it with pretty quick results of calm. Thanks!
  • Eroseland
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Nice to have
    Nice to have around for days of stress.
  • GG
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Works Great!
    I’ve been using Chaos Calmer for some time now and I’m very happy with this product. I use it every night.
  • Peanut
    ✅ Verified Customer
    A great Creme
    This is a great creme it has help me get to sleep when I am restless . Only wish the bottle was bigger for the price.
  • Laurie H
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game changer!
    I've been using this product just before bedtime and have been sleeping better! My husband asked to use it as well and he felt a deeper sleep with fewer wake ups during the night. "We" highly recommend!
  • ElBoz
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Part of the arsenal
    After suffering insomnia and sleep issues for the last decade, I've tried everything. I'm on my 2nd bottle of CC and I do think it helps me sleep better. This is part of my bedtime ritual now. Melatonin and one pump of CC on the wrist about an hour before bed.
  • Gypsy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos Calmer
    Best product ever, as are all their products
  • Lisa LL
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Helps with sleep
    I use Chaos Calmer to decrease anxiety and help me relax at bedtime 
  • vtl
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Actually works
    I highly recommend Chaos Calmer. It helps with a relaxing, deep, natural sleep, but does not leave you groggy.
  • Shannon
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I use it every night
    I no longer need melatonin, sleepy time tea, or benadryl to settle down for the night. No more racing thoughts or jimmy-legs, just peaceful and cozy without feeling knocked out.
  • Robyn W
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It Does What it Says
    I carry it with me in my purse so if needed I can rub a bit on my belly or inner arms and feel much better right away. I am a nurse so it's busy and can get stressful. Helpful product and taking a few minutes to rub the cream in and take a few deep breaths is all it takes. It's effective and I'm pleased with the the results. The company also has other products I use and find effective in my post menopausal life.
  • Charlene E.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I love all their products!
    This a great product!  I tell anyone about Parlor Game’s superior products every chance I get!  I wish every gynecologist knew about and promoted them.  Try them. You will only be disappointed at not finding them sooner!  
  • Evangeline
    ✅ Verified Customer
    My thoughts
    I love this product. I have suffered from different chronic pain conditions for over four years. I have not slept well in years. This product gives me, most nights, seven hours of uninterrupted sleep. What a blessing. Thank God and thank you ladies.
  • KellBell
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Loving this!
    I love this so much ..I use it on the nights I don't use my V3...and it helps me sleep so much!!
  • KP
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Stocking stuffer
    This is a wonderful calmer for me. I like it so much that I got it for my kids (who are in their early 30's) to help them with anxiety. It's rough out there!
  • DKW
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Calming the internal chaos
    Chaos calmer is my go to when I'm looking for that peaceful dreamy sleep.
    Combined with SPC and V3...its nighty night...
    Gentle and effective. I love using this natural cream for rest and rejuvenation
  • Peggy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Sleep help
    Really helps me to fall asleep at night.
  • Ann
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Helps to calm me down and able to fall asleep.
  • Cynthia L
    ✅ Verified Customer
    A Life Saver!
    I have a supply of Chaos Calmer in my work bag, beside my bed, and in my travel gear. Nothing helps the jitters during a high-stress day like this does. Also helps to prepare for bed or to reapply if awakened during the night.
  • Bell J
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great Product
    Love this product, i put a little on every night and i know it helps me fall asleep much faster than before. For me this product is perfect, thank-you
  • Meg
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Better than a second (or third) glass of wine
    Yes, I'm one of those who, after having a long day, look forward to that cold Chard. However, honestly, this was not doing my health (or my weight) any favors. I like natural approaches and figured I'd give it a try. When I got home after changing into more comfy clothing, I rubbed Chaos Calmer onto my inner arms. I'd rub it until it was near dry, as if to erase the world, and then I'd pour my wine. I found myself in a nice, relaxed state, and that second glass wasn't calling my name. Sometimes I'd add another rub-a-dub at bedtime. Yeah, this is nice! I've started bringing it to the office and if I was getting in a 'certain' way, I would rub some in, take a few deep breaths, then get refocused.

    An unexpected outcome - I lost weight - 5 lbs. Was it because of less wine or that the stress of work and life did not have as much control? All I know is that I'm grateful!!! I'm making this a new daily ritual to health and wellness. I like the new calmer me!
  • Sue S.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos Calmer
    Seems to work well. Only thing I don't like is the price. Why does everything that can help us women always cost so much?
  • Charlotte S.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Better sleep
    I really like the chaos calmer cream because it helps me to relax and calm my mind for a better nights sleep. There’s no drowsiness in the morning either. It works well with the other products as too. I recommend it for travel too. One of the best things I’ve tried from the Silky Peach brand!

Here's what women are saying about

4.86 out of 5
99 customers
  • TONY M
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Amazing products
    66 year old healthy female,had normal sexual issues for my age.We tried many products.We now use all 3 of your products together form the start we saw postive results.Now after a few years of use we have the sex life of a 30 year old couple,I feel 100% better. thank you
  • Jenny C
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Part of a team
    The way I see it, the DHEA is the crucial partner with Vibrant Third and Silky Peach Cream to bring the WOW! back into your libido and just overall vitality! A dynamic trio!
  • GMA
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great Product
    This has been a game changer for me. It boost enough to finally keep my VA symptoms low.
  • Laurie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I know we produce less of our own DHEA as we age. I think this does give me a subtle boost in my energy. I'll take it!
  • Jenny
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Best energy boost
    Gives me my energy back and in combination with the Silky Peach and Progesterone Third Cream my libido is back as long as I use lube it's like normal me.
  • TaiChilady
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Just received
    I just received it 2 days ago so I really don’t know, but cream feels good soft easy to make it absorb 
  • Sonja R
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This product has brought back my sex drive! It's also given me energy and clarity of mind. I didn't realize how much I needed it until I used it, and I feel so much more myself!
  • WeeWee
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Waiting on my 2nd bottle to come in. So to early to tell of any results. But I just love the team and their quick reponses on any questions I have.
  • Michelle1
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Not sleepy!
    I started out with trial size of Silky Peach and V3. After just a week, I was sold. I stopped using prescription estrogen cream. SP and V3 were so good I tried ReBounce. I am not longer wanting to lay my head on my desk at 2 everyday. Thank you! My only hope is that you all have someone who will carry the business on, with your same integrity, when you retire. We cannot be without this stuff! I tell everyone, even my gyno. 
  • Michelle1
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I have been using V3, Silky Peach, and ReBounce for maybe 2 years. There’s no more pain, I have no mental issues, and UTIs. I am 54. I told my friend, who was suffering horrible with UTIs and menopause issues, about this stuff. She ordered it and said she hasn’t had a hot flash since. 
  • MariGaby
    ✅ Verified Customer
    The Boost You Need
    I am enjoying having the extra energy I need to get me through the day. Rebounce has helped me along with Silky Peach and V3. Thanks Parlor Games!
  • Denise
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Get it!
    I regret having cancelling this
  • Pat
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Who needs caffeine?
    This is my jump start in the morning! I especially notice a difference in my mental clarity. 
  • Johanna C
    ✅ Verified Customer
    ReBounce and Renew!
    At first I wasn't sure I needed to add ReBounce to my daily routine. In fact, I wasn't even sure it was doing anything for me. But after a few months of daily use it's obvious I did need it. I use it as soon as I get up in the morning, even before my coffee - and I rarely do anything before coffee. :-) Rather than "give" me energy, it is energy balancing - a real gift during these postmenopausal years where nothing is the way it used to be, LOL. Thank you Kate & Kirstie for your wonderful products and all the support you offer. Parlor Games has been a game changer for me! 
  • Texas Teacher
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Improved Energy
    I’m able to keep up with the challenges of life again. It has really boosted my energy levels. 
  • Teddi
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Love this stuff
    So far it's been awesome. Noticing small changes. Sleeping better and more alert.
  • Gjello
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Re Bounce
    Works for me….definitely have more energy 
  • Jennifer
    ✅ Verified Customer
    All of these products are great! They work well with each other. I can’t say enough about each one. They wouldn’t work as well if they didn’t have the other one to go along side the other one. I am not just saying this. I use these on a regular basis and found them online like everyone else probably did. They really do work
  • Robyn W
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Rebounce is the other piece of the Yin Yang puzzle
    I believe that Rebounce is the second piece of the puzzle, it balances the hormones within to create homeostasis. I believe it is doing some good for my body because I feel we need both to truly balance ourselves and get back to premenopausal days. Little of this, and little of that, salt and pepper or Yin and Yang balance. Perhaps called Rebounce for a reason, puts a little jump in our steps. Be aware of DHEA usage, read label and learn about how to use, dosages and possible side effects, everyone is different. I like having it as part of my balancing act. I use Silky Peach Cream, Rebounce and Chaos Calmer. All good products, and each has a place. I carry Chaos Calmer in my purse, never know when you need it! There is literature about Rebounce on website and you can ask for more information by e-mail. I find that hem to be attentive to your needs.
  • Leslie D
    ✅ Verified Customer
    My Oomph is Returning!
    Like the brochure says, it may take up to 2 months to notice a change in energy. I’m feeling better and more energized, being able to finish projects that have been hanging over my head. 
  • Debbie K
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I love this stuff (Rebound) it works great for me. I can tell the difference when I take it and when I don’t. I also use peachy(which is a miracle product) and the vibrant third. These all are keeping me going! I’m 67 years young and I’m very grateful I found these products!! I’d say to at least give them a try, I noticed a difference within a week. Thank you for these products!
  • Kristine K
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Felt results right away
    I felt results right away the first two or three days with increased energy or endurance to go through my day without feeling exhausted. I use the cream on the inside of my wrists five days a week. Five stars!
  • Eroseland
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Energy booster
    This is a great way to regain stamina and help immune system as well. Love this product for strength!
  • Jan
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great stuff !!
    I feel so much better when I use this stuff more energy and less brain fog , I thgt what the heck I’ll try it .. so glad I did !!! 
  • Tracy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Regarding ReBounce
    I started a year ago with the Silky Peach as a desperate solution for my 70 yr. old vaginal dryness and found it amazing. It stung the first few weeks, but by 6 months I had a 20 yr. old undercarriage and realized I could reduce to alternate days and be just fine. (I use the extra Silky Peach now on my face wrinkles with pleasant results.) Just for curiosity I recently tried their new ReBounce product hoping for more energy. However, I am hooked for life now because of its effect on my memory! I found myself still clear minded by midafternoon, arriving in a room and still remembering why I went there! I noticed I am much less distracted, and I am on time more often. ReBounce has been much better for me than taking DHEA orally, I never noticed a change with those products. I am eternally grateful for this ReBounce product. (PS But don't take it too close to bedtime...)
    Tracy from Iowa.
  • Robyn W
    ✅ Verified Customer
    ReBounce does just that! Puts the bounce back on your step. Honest..it works.
    I use Rebounce as post menopausal lady along with Silky Peach cream. I understand the need for DHEA as well as estrogen to balance out post menopausal changes. I talked to my GYN NP and I feel positive change using this product. I'm happy that Parlor Games has products to ease symptoms and actually help in our Golden Years! I use several of their products and they all have their place in balancing my lady life. I feel more like myself now in my late 60s than I did when younger, glad I found this company. There is also educational information given and site for learning more. I'm satisfied with products and customer service is excellent, and personable.

  • KarenK
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Helps with libido
    I’ve been using it for about a month - one pump twice a week in the AM and definitely feel it helps with libido. So far have not noticed increase in facial hair or loss of hair on my head🤞
  • Vicki M
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Not sure yet!
    I've been using it for about 2 mos & haven't really noticed a difference yet, but I'm going to try one more time! So we''ll see:)
  • Carolyn T
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I cannot say enough positive things about all products from Palor Games. I have referred many friends and like me they are appreciative and thrilled with all the benefits from this product. Mood memory energy etc etc all around feeling great. Thank you ladies for understanding we women going through all these significant changes are not crazy we simply need to help to restore and balance our systems. Please never stop making these excellent products ! Game changer ! 
  • Kathiwathi
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Energy Revived!
    I was a previous customer with Silky Peach and was so very impressed with the fulfilled promises! Girl, at 60 and no sex for 17 years, Silky Peach was life changing! So I decided to try the ReBounce DHEA. I only need 1/2 a pump inside my wrists for a steady flow of energy all day long. I was a couch potato for sure, between achiness and laziness, I just was happy sitting still. Now I notice no body aches unless I overdo something, of course. Energized mind and body. It is not a quick buzz, but rather a reserve that seems to be in place all day! I am eager to get up and do things and my body has none of those little aches and pains. my thinking is clear too. ReBounce is changing my life by giving me back the vitality of my younger days. I didn't know I was missing it! It seems even if I miss a day, the effects are still with me.
  • Karen p
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Perfect Change
    I originally was taking an oral DHEA and then after a little reading and discussion with my doctor I decided to try a topical DHEA. It was to my surprise doing the same job as the oral product. I feel it was a healthier change with the same benefits. 
  • Elaine
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I have more energy and feel better overall 
  • Anne A
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach changed my world
    I stared trying Silky Peach about three years ago. I had entered the dating world again, met a good man. Silky Peach helped get my moisture back, raised my libido. Heck, I even sleep better, feel like I'm 45 again at 75! Ladies , this product is a miracle in a bottle!
  • Rann
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great product
    This helps me so much
  • DKH
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works!
    I'm on my second bottle of this and the results were subtle over time. I do have more energy now. Over time I just quit caffeine without even thinking about it. I have a bit of a libido now too. That's an improvement from zero libido. I feel significantly better than I did before I started using this product and definitely plan to continue using it. I definitely recommend this.
  • Evonne
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Renounce Review
    This product is a game changer. I’ve noticed that when I don’t use it (forget) I have very low energy. And then I realize I forgot to put on my ReBounce. The one thing you don’t want to do is put it on to late in the day, it may keep you awake!  This product is great for giving you energy as well as helping with joint pain, amongst other things! I would definitely recommend this product to anyone! 
  • Erica D
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Bye bye brain fog!
    The first thing I noticed was my chronic brain fog disappeared almost immediately! I used about a half pump ever three days and am very happy with it, I'll keep this in my roster for sure!
  • Kristen V.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I can think again!
    I am 75 yrs old and I still work at my desk job from home. I noticed that while working on the computer I was struggling to remember little steps, like how to Print a page; What button do I push first...and thought, "it will come to me, I'll go thru the motions", but I was struggling and I kept thinking, Uh oh....why can I not remember this?! and I felt sluggish in my brain. I started using ReBounce about 2 weeks later, and almost from the start I felt Clearer, more awake, and could easily remember which functions I needed on the computer. I feel energetic and hopeful now. Fabulous!
  • jaime c
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I started off by using this cream daily for an extended period, had to cut back to a maintenance dose of 3 times a week and am in a much better frame of mind, this is a miracle, thank you!
  • Marge c
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Know what you are buying
    So, I didn't understand how this works. I just got caught up in the hype of using hormonal creams to feel young again. This stuff didn't do anything but make my beard grow faster!! LOL - I guess it works, but not for me. My 1 star rating is based on my usage - not the actual product. Like my title says, know what you are buying & how it will effect your body.
  • Laurie H
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Still a newbie
    I want this to work so bad. I'm fairly new so I will give a follow up review after I have more time under my belt. None of the Parlor Games products have let me down so far. Hopeful!!
  • Sharon M
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Rebounce is helpful.
    I’m using it several days a week. It’s definitely helping. 
  • TONY M
    ✅ Verified Customer
    My wife!!!
    I purchased these items for my wife ,and just wow,She loves it .We are 65 years old and she is back to her self,amazing products.
  • Mary McDermott
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Bounce back to life with Rebounce!
    Just a little dab a day helps my keep my energy up! 
  • E R
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Rated X: for extra boost
    ReBounce is everything it says it is. It helps me maintain energy level throughout my day, as well as take edge off my aches. I see it as a bonus cup of coffee but without caffeine or chocolate.
  • Robyn W
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Rebounce is that added extra DHEA that helps balance estrogen= testosterone in older women.
    I use Silky Peach Cream and receive auto delivery, I started using Rebounce for the DHEA balancing of post menopausal symptoms. I also use Chaos Calmer and carry it with me use when needed, it works well for me. I like the products because they are alternatives that align with my beliefs that supplements and other therapies, such as these can help reduce or prevent unpleasant symptoms related to menopause. They work well for me, wouldn't be without them. Customer service is wonderful and there is educational information about each product and how and what to use. Its a process that over time has helped me in many areas.
  • Stella M
    ✅ Verified Customer
    ReBounce Cream
    I just started using the rebounce cream for a few days but so far seems to keep me in a good mood and noticed let night sweats 
  • Amee R
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I wanted to use something more natural. Silky Peach and Rebounce have helped balance me out. I recently had a major surgery and about a week later I was struggling emotionally. After talking it over with my husband, we realized I had not been using my products for about a week. I immediately started back on them and I'm "balancing out again. I'm thankful for this product.
  • Peggy D.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great product !
    This product is wonderful ! It has helped me so much !
  • Kara C
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works
    I definitely feel more energized, and in the best way possible when using this product. So excited to have found these amazing products! Life-changing!