⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Hotflashes? Painful sex? Those b****** are GONE!” - Diane K.

Missing the fun you used to have in the sack?

We've been there too. And whether you're having sex or not, vaginal atrophy symptoms like itching, tearing, and dryness don't need to be part of your life!

Any Of These Menopause Symptoms Driving You Nuts?

woman holding hand up to say no to painful sex

45% of women experience painful sex post-menopause. The solution is NOT more lube (thanks Doc) or to give up on sex (unless you want to). 

hands holding adult diapers

Over 50% of post-menopausal women struggle with stress incontinence, which can also impact your ability to sleep through the night.

hands covering groin to protect dry itchy bits

Over 60% of women report some level of itching, dryness, burning, or vaginal discomfort. No, coconut oil will not solve it.

image with urinary pain on the toilet

55% of post-menopausal women do battle with recurring UTIs. It's an estrogen problem, not that you got lazy with your hygiene.

Heal the Pain in your Lady Bits and End Unwanted Abstinence

Troubling down-south symptoms happen because your estrogen levels nosedive after menopause. And as it turns out, that estrogen was responsible for maintaining the health of the tissue in your vagina, vulva, urethra, and pelvic floor.

Lube, coconut oil, or hyaluronic acid can mask the symptoms for a while, but once that tissue really breaks down, there's nothing that's going to solve the root of the problem other than estrogen.

60 years of studies have shown that Estriol — one of the gentlest forms of Estrogen — is uniquely good at safely healing that tissue and restoring it's natural moistness. 

That's why we created Silky Peach Cream!

Silky Peach Cream contains bioidentical estriol (NOT the pharmaceutical variety of estrogen that's kinda like what our bodies make, but different enough to cause some nasty side effects) and can help revive and revitalize your peach.

Women tell us that Silky Peach Cream worked when nothing else did!

Silky Peach Cream Isn't Just Skincare

We're not just moisturizing your lady bits. Using bioidentical estriol, Silky Peach cream actually helps restore the missing estrogen your vaginal and urethral cells need to maintain health, lubrication, and elasticity - no matter where you are in menopause.

Vaginal cell being approached by estriol molecules looking for an estrogen receptor

When you apply Silky Peach to your labia, the estriol molecule absorbs into the blood stream and goes searching for estrogen receptors.

estriol molecule locks in to estrogen receptor and heads to  nucleus

Once an estriol molecule binds to an estrogen receptor, it sends the signal to the cell nucleus to repair the cell.

uterus and vagina diagram depicting atrophy on one size and healthy tissue on the other

As the cells get the message, they begin rejuvenating the cell and the tissue of the vagina and urethra begin to rebuild, regaining elasticity and moisture.



Struggling to Heal Vaginal Atrophy?

Silky Peach Cream - 1 Month Sample

Bio-identical Estriol Cream to restore your aging lady bits

There’s lots of things that make you feel sexy, but vaginal dryness isn’t one of them. With our clinical dose of bioidentical estriol, Silky Peach Cream helps restore plumpness, elasticity, and lubrication of vaginal tissue. And that means less itchy, scratchy, tearing pain and more comfort during intimacy. Win-win.


Take the 28 Day Challenge for only $29

and lock in your 25% discount for the life of your subscription (while supplies last)

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Why You'll Love It

Paraben Free




Nut Free


Gluten Free


Cruelty Free


Made In USA


You've Got The Peach, We've Got The Cream!

Cyndi F and partner

“I went from having horrible pain with sex to enjoying it again in only 4 weeks! This stuff is MIRACULOUS!”

Cyndi F.

“I was taking estrogen and getting NO relief. Quit the estrogen and tried Silky Peach. No more pain during sex, no more dryness and irritation, no more urinary leaking!!”

MaryAnn W.
Cynthia C.

“I was to the point of 'tissue paper' down there and avoided intimacy for years. This has change my entire situation to one of comfort and me being the one to instigate again. What a confidence builder - and he is over the moon!!”

Cynthia C.

How To Use


2 Pumps

Two pumps of Silky Peach delivers 1 mg of bioidentical estriol. Ideally apply at night, when there will be less friction to remove the cream.


Apply to Labia

Apply two pumps onto a clean finger, then spread the cream on the outer labia and perineum. It does not need to be applied internally.


Wait 20 minutes

The cream—and the estriol specifically—is absorbed in about 20 minutes. Can't sleep? After 20 minutes, feel free to have sex and carry on as normal.

Made for Menopausal Women BY Menopausal Women

Unlike quick fixes, horse pee hormones, or placebos, Parlor Games Bioidentical Hormone Creams are designed with you in mind. Topical, low dose, and made with the best ingredients you can find, Silky Peach targets the root of the issue to transform your menopause (and your vagina) into vibrant, revitalized, and pain free!

We know it works, because we were our first customers.

  • Jerri M
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach
    Love this product.  Have ordered several times. 
  • Jules
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Velvety soft again!
    Love this product for my yoni! I’m enjoying intimacy once again with zero pain!!
    Thank you 🙏🏼 
  • PS
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Amazing Product!
    Silky Peach Cream is an amazing product. I highly recommend for vaginal atrophy. 30 days of use and 100% improvement.
  • Bina
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great stuff!
    This is a light, non greasy cream that works wonders. I was having issues with itching, some dryness, and some incontinence (after two kids, peri-menopause is a beeotch.) Silky Peach helped with all of it and is worth every penny!

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  • Happy Customer
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Works great!
    It has really helped with dryness and discomfort. 
  • Alixi
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Although I thought the name of this company was a bit silly, and the product name a little out there, I tried it anyway because of all the testimonials. Well... it really does work! It solved all of my ongoing issues with dryness, leakage, and discomfort.

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  • Noaner
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I have been using silky peach for over a year now.  I was suffering with chronic UTI’S.  I’m pleased to say that I have found relief through this product.  I am no longer being plagued by them anymore.

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  • Cheryl J.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Yes, please!
    Super dry coochie made sex super painful.  My Dr. recommended coconut oil as a lubricant. Worked so so. This product however changed the game 100%! I don't even use it daily, maybe every other day and it has made all the difference.

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  • faye
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Highly recommend!
    SPC has been a game changer for me. When I hit 60 (I'm 61 now) I started having pain with sex, almost constant burning, and very frequent yeast infections. I started using SPC in June of 2024. I'm now 7 months in - and what a difference!

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  • Aimee
    ✅ Verified Customer
    A godsend
    Silky Peach Cream has been the biggest help to me since I entered menopause. It relieves discomfort instantaneously and isnt just a bandaid, it actually helps your body reverse menopause symptoms. 
  • TT
    ✅ Verified Customer
    A revitalizing product
    Following menopause, I was suffering from vaginal dryness, painful sex, UTIs and skin irritations. Within a few weeks of using Silky Peach Cream, I no longer have had any of those issues. 
  • Cat
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Oh my goodness!
    I thought this was going to be another fail, as I tried so many different products that did not work. To my amazement and relief, it really works. I have no more dryness and the fire to be with my husband has returned.

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  • Sunny Patio
    ✅ Verified Customer
    The smoothness of this cream was soothing to the itching.
  • Pam in Colorado
    ✅ Verified Customer
    So Grateful
    No one talked about vaginal atrophy when I was growing up. Few talk about it now. I am so grateful for Parlor Games and the conversations and products that help women live without unnecessary ignorance and discomfort.

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  • Pghuser
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works!
    This product definitely helped with my LS and I placed a second order!!
  • Lee
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Miracle cream!
    Amazing! Silky Peach Cream has changed my life. I have an auto immune disorder, along with aging lady parts. My feminine tissue was like tissue paper, tearing easily with lengthy healing time.  After just 2 weeks I seen a huge difference.

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  • Katherine F
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky peach highly recommend!!
    I’m a 71 year-old, married 50+ years fairly active woman who has suffered for years with Dryness! Having a hysterectomy when I was relatively young, Using hormones patch for so many years, endured a lot of dryness pain with sex, this product.

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  • Rosalie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This works
    I was so shocked that this product literally worked within 2 days. I feel better downstairs than it has in 10 years. Thank God for this product it is made all the difference no other products needed for intimacy with my husband.

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  • Happy user
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This cream has made sex much less painful. 
  • Sheri
    ✅ Verified Customer
    No more pain
    I've been using Estriodol for quite some time, with some help, but definitely not enough. I heard about this product and decided to give it a try. It has helped significantly in regards to the atrophy.

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  • Stacy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    They mean every bit of that sales pitch
    The 28 day challenge hooked me. I have found in the year since I did the challenge and started my subscription that the progesterone cream is also a must and that both bottles last way longer than advertised, but that is likely due to me being able to adjust to the doses that work best for me.

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  • Stacy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I was a total skeptic, but I was desperate
    I just knew this product wouldn’t work. It was too inexpensive and my condition was too far gone. I was seven years postmenopausal and sex and pelvic exams felt like being stabbed with a red hot knife.

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  • Deb
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works!
    I'm postmenopausal, married for 46 years, and have been suffering from dryness for years. This made such a difference in my private area and with our sex life and my day-to-day comfort. Love it!!!
  • Anonymous
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Life changing!
    After giving birth 10 times, of course my body was done. After 20 years I gave in and had prolapse surgery with a partial hysterectomy. The pain in my joints and me hips got so bad I couldn't walk up the stairs.

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  • Happy girl
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This stuff is amazing!
    Absolute game changer for any woman who’s going through issues with their private parts!
  • Deb
    ✅ Verified Customer
    No more painful intercourse.
    Easy to use, prefer silky peach over Dr prescribed medication. I went from hating intercourse, it was causing tears and bleeding. It was very painful and unpleasant. Thanks to Silky peach  we are back to having great sex!

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  • Lettie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great hormone replacement therapy
    I'm an 81 year old woman and found myself in a dilemma when my prescription insurance would no longer pay for my hormone replacement therapy. Needless to say, as a retired person, I have to watch my expenses.

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  • Eelcatcher
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Still doubtful
    I've been traveling and working many hours , so haven't been as assiduous in using this as to give it a fair trial. Seems to give a little extra moisture and certainly has stopped an itchy feeling at night.

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  • D
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Very helpful
    Being post menopausal, all forms of estrogen are welcomed! This fills the gaps of my estradiol rx.
  • Cher
    ✅ Verified Customer
    WOW, just wow!!
    After only 2-3 weeks use ... the orgasms were unbelievable and deeper than ever in my life. And, I am 68 years young. The sandy, dry vault is gone! The pain is nearly gone. I've not had one UTI since starting Peachy .

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  • Lindalou
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It’s working
    I started using this about 3 months ago, and I can feel the difference.
    Not itching or having as many issues down there.
    I will continue to use and would recommend to women who have vaginal issues.
  • Lioness
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great product!
    Good results with the first 2 bottles 
  • Pamela R
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky peach is better than any prescription or pharmaceutical product I have used
    Silky Peach is the best product that I have used overall including prescription products I don’t like using the prescription stuff because I have had cancer before and I’ve been on it for about six years, but this seems to be helping with the problem and the estradiol cream that I was using did not.

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  • Mel
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Just started using this product
    I just started using this and I think I’m noticing a difference. I will continue using it for a few months and let you know how it’s working. 
  • Lacy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I love this stuff it really works
    I took a chance buying this. It had good ingredients which is what got my interested in trying it. I was so sick and tired of the dryness, burning and hourly restroom wake ups every night. I noticed a huge difference in just a few days.

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  • Gracie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach Cream
    I couldn’t believe how well this product worked the first time I used it. I use it every day and am very pleased at the great outcome. Thank You!!!!
  • Judy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Amazing news
    As someone who had a hysterectomy then a sacrocolpopexy. My Dr recommended Estradiol, I myself know, what these kinds of hormones do.. I'm not interested in any of that so I used this peachy cream product and I know it's safe and does what expected.

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  • Lady Di
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Really works!
    I’m so shocked to be able to say this cream truly works! AND it works quickly! I used have pain but I don’t anymore. I also notice I have not had a UTI since I started using it. I also put some on my face and people notice that my skin looks radiant and smooth.

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  • Clasybird
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Atrophy? Dry up and blow away? LOL
    This was my first thought when my Dr. said this word to me. I was told that was not going to happen when I immediately asked that question.I didn't get a very understandable explanation as to what it was.

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  • Pansygirl
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I'm impressed
    I noticed a big difference after using this for just 3 weeks. My night sweats went away. Vaginal lubrication was better. I was hoping it would increase my libido (I've been using it for 4 months now) but I can't say that it has done that, but definitely worth my continuing to use it.

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  • Linny
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works!
    I’ve been using this for about 6 months now and it has solved my dryness and thin, sore tissue problems. Very easy to use. 
  • Vera B.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    this seriously helps
    Lifechanging! Gives me desire again as well as ability.
    Might be a little too much probiotic for me so I don't do it every night. Everyone finds their own balance.
  • LT
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach Cream
    For any woman experiencing dryness, burning , itching.. This product i’ve found so far very helpful. 
  • SB
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach
    Everything has improved( you know). Silky Peach is exactly what it says it is. Feels like it helps with gliding along, no friction.
  • CJH
    ✅ Verified Customer
    My OB-Gyn approves!
    I started using Silky Peach after reading other members talking about how much it has improved their lichen schlerosis, which I also have. I use a clobesteril lotion 1 or 2 days a week, and Emu Aid the other days which has helped with dryness, itching.

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  • Katee
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It is amazing!
    This stuff is amazing … for years I was going to my gyno and given all kinds of salves, hormonal creams, they suggested lubricants but none of it worked. Within a week silky peach had my issues under control and back to normal!

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  • moni
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Amazing and Satisfying Lifesaver
    who knew? a little pea sized drop would be so miraculous? The dryness and that terrible itch is gone! I feel like myself again! Try it, you will not be disappointed! 
  • moni
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Amazing and Satisfying
    This has been a godsend. I feel so much better and back to my old self again. That annoying itch and pain are gone. Thank You!
  • Donna
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Comfortable and Joy
    I’m so happy to have found this product. I’m 68 and have been post menopausal for 18 years. As I’ve aged my “lady bits”have become uncomfortable. I have dealt with the dryness with vaseline based products.

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  • Bonnie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Parlor Games
    Excellent source of information and products to help women who are suffering with menopausal issues. They work through their products and education to make woman’s lives more comfortable as we navigate the menopause years.

    Read More

List of Ingredients

Frequently Asked Questions

What's in Silky Peach Cream?

All the best love and goodness we could find! And as many organic ingredients as are possible. More specifically:

Ingredients: Deionized Water, Shea Butter*, Beeswax*, Sunflower Seed Oil*, Cupuacu Butter*, Stearic Acid, Glycerin*, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc/Radish Root Ferment Filtrate, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Phenoxyethanol, Xanthan Gum, Coconut Fruit Extract, Estriol, Potassium Sorbate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Glycerin, Sodium Hydroxide, Cucumber Peel Extract, Gluconolactone, Sodium Benzoate. (*Organic)
Paraben Free

Is Silky Peach Cream Free from Parabens?

Yes! We specifically chose a formula that does not contain parabens because parabens can act as xeno-estrogens and disrupt hormone and other body systems. We don't want that junk in our bodies and we don't want it in yours either.

Is Silky Peach Cream organic?

We are committed to creating a super healthy product that is safe for you to use on your body, so every last ingredient that can be certified organic, is. The only non-organic ingredients are the water and preservatives. Preservatives are essential to ensure that the cream is free from microorganisms that would damage the product.

Why does vaginal dryness happen?

Estrogen is important for the health of vaginal tissue. As women mature, their levels of estrogen begin to drop. If a woman does not have enough estrogen, the cells of the vaginal wall begin to thin and lose their integrity and can tear easily. No one wants that!

Why is estriol used to improve vaginal health?

There are three main types of estrogen: estrone, estradiol, and estriol. Estriol is the gentlest of the estrogens but is highly effective in rebuilding the vaginal tissue. Estradiol is a much stronger hormone and we recommend that it should only be used with the guidance of a medical provider.

Can I use the cream more than once a day?

Oh – we can tell you are hopeful and excited! We recommend once daily use to support gradual recovery and rebuilding of the vaginal tissue. It takes several years for estrogen levels to drop, so we recommend taking a gradual route to rebuilding and maintenance. You should feel a difference within 21 days.

Why does the cream sting when I use it?

That tender tissue has likely been sore for quite a while and, just like any sore area, when you start using a cream or ointment to help heal, the body is going to respond to that new substance. You should experience a drop in the stinging sensation as the tissue repair process continues.

Is the estriol bioidentical?

Heck yes, you bet it is. We wouldn’t do this otherwise. Bioidentical hormones are manufactured to have the exact same chemical structure as the hormones that your body makes. By using bioidentical hormones, you get the correct chemical messages but without the side effects that come with a pharmaceutical non-bioidentical hormone.

Are there other issues this cream can help with?

Yes. Estriol helps make sure the vagina has a healthy amount of natural mucus with the right acidity level. The right acidity helps prevent bad bacterial overgrowth. Making sure the vaginal tissue is healthy and the pH is balanced, goes a long way to reducing the chances of vaginal infections and therefore urinary tract infections.

Does estriol help with hot flashes?

It can be highly effective for some women, but everyone is different.

How long will it take to feel the results?

So, we’re all different and it can depend on how long you have been experiencing vaginal dryness. For most women, they will begin to feel the difference within 21 days.

How much estriol is in each pump?

If you press the pump fully, each pump will have about .5mg of estriol. We recommend that you use 2 pumps daily for starters. Once your symptoms have cleared up, you can reduce the amount gradually to find your perfect maintenance amount.


Try Parlor Games Silky Peach Cream & see the results for yourself!

Do You Have Any Of These Vaginal Atrophy Symptoms?

Click on each symptom to learn more not-so-fun facts (but don't worry—we can help!)

  • ✔️ Sex is painful, non-existent, or fills you with dread.

    Did you know that 45% of women experience painful sex post-menopause? For years, we’ve been told to get over it, but why should we when there is a simple painless solution to bring intimacy and health back into our lives? With Silky Peach, painful sex is a thing of the past.

  • ✔️ You pee when you sneeze, laugh, or cough. Trampolines? Not a chance.

    Urinary incontinence is common as the health of the urinary tract declines. This decline occurs as the protective levels of estrogen drop. By adding small amounts back, you can strengthen the urethral cells and enjoy pain-free living again.

  • ✔️ The itching is driving you crazy.

    Itching is one of the most commonly reported symptoms of vaginal atrophy, and often one that we don’t notice right away. Studies say over 60% of women report some level of itching, dryness, burning, or vaginal discomfort in menopause. With topical estriol, you can help the root of the issue and get rid of itching with real solutions.

  • ✔️ If you wipe, you bleed (and you can forget about bikes or skinny jeans)

    Known as micro-tears, bleeding often occurs when the skin has become so thin and tender that even minor friction can cause tearing. Microtearing can cause a lot of other issues, like increased infections, increased pain, and general discomfort, but tackling the issue with estriol - a form of estrogen that targets the epidermal layer - can end microtearing.

  • ✔️ UTI’s happen weekly... for no good, sex-related reasons!

    UTI recurrence increases to 55% post menopause. The reason? The loss of cellular integrity makes it easier for bacteria to enter the urethra, and so they are more likely to occur. Protecting the health of the cells is the foundational step to reducing UTI’s for good.

  • ✔️ Your labia seem to have taken up an unwanted weight loss regime (a.k.a. labial shrinkage)

    Like skin elsewhere, our labia can get wrinkly, lose collagen, and start to crêpe. With this, issues such as infection can increase - as mentioned. But, for a lot of women, they just want their vulvas to look, well, like they used to. We get it. Guess what? Estrogen is the hormone that drives collagen production, which is why women using Silky Peach find it can help under eye wrinkles, lip volume, and yes - making your vulva plump and peachy once again!

  • ✔️ It’s so dry down south, it qualifies as a desert habitat.

    Ow. We’ve been there. Over 50% of women experience loss of moisture in menopause - in the bedroom and just in general. Most of those women have been told to use lube or moisturizers, but these will not solve the issue, because they are not treating the problem - estrogen loss! Our Silky Peach estriol delivers a perfect dose of estriol where your body needs it most.

  • ✔️ You want to avoid the gnarly symptoms above.

    Vaginal dryness can start after childbirth when hormones get wacky, and from age 35 onwards. Many women start to notice minor issues that go ignored for years, or, if they’ve had surgical menopause, symptoms hit them like a ten-ton truck. For you ladies, there is good news - you can use lowered doses of Silky Peach to help stop the problem before it even starts

NOTE: Every woman's body is different and results for your body may take more or less time than the women above have experienced. It's also possible that Silky Peach Cream may not work for you at all. We always recommend that women with a history or genetic risk of breast cancer talk to their doctors about the use of hormones and other medications in their healthcare regime.