“This stuff changed my life... I went from having horrible pain with sex to enjoying it again in only 4 weeks! This stuff is MIRACULOUS!”

Cyndi F. - Happy Customer.


Struggling to Heal Vaginal Atrophy?

Silky Peach Cream - 1 Month Sample

Bio-identical Estriol Cream to restore your aging lady bits

There’s lots of things that make you feel sexy, but vaginal dryness isn’t one of them. With our clinical dose of bioidentical estriol, Silky Peach Cream helps restore plumpness, elasticity, and lubrication of vaginal tissue. And that means less itchy, scratchy, tearing pain and more comfort during intimacy. Win-win.


Take the 28 Day Challenge for only $29

and lock in your 25% discount for the life of your subscription (while supplies last)

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You can color the grey,
You can moisturize the wrinkles...
But what can you do to revive your aging lady bits?

Woman freaked out

Freaked out from the hellish 'dry vagina' google search?

Woman freaked out
We’ve got you covered, from the sex to the science.

Not knowing why something is happening can often be the scariest part of a problem. Let’s face it, we’ve all googled ‘burning, dryness, itchy vagina?’ or something along those lines, and then had a panic when WebMD invariably tells us the likelihood is, of course, death by way of some horrible disease.

No thanks. Especially when the problem is as simple as a drop in estrogen around menopause. This drop leads to a whole lot less fluid and flow in your flower. Which means increased burning, soreness, and a higher chance of damage.

The solution is Estrogen. But not from mare's urine

Back part of horse

Cuz that crap can give you breast cancer and heart disease.

Yes, Hormone Replacement Therapy is a wonder treatment. Just ask your mom. But turns out, the estrogen from pregnant horse urine is kinda like human estrogen... but different enough to cause some nasty side-effects.

So how to get all the bennies without the bad stuff? By using bioidentical Estriol. Estriol is a weaker and safer form of Estrogen, derived from soy plants and created to exactly match the Estriol your body makes naturally.

So if it's so great, why aren't the pharmaceutical companies using it? Because they can't patent what occurs naturally.

Back part of horse

You’ve got the peach, we’ve got the cream


Parlor Games Silky Peach cream uses 1mg of Estriol to make sure you stay… *ahem* juicy.

Much like a peach, as we age, we get a little wrinkly. These wrinkles and loss of ‘juice’ can have some unwanted side effects, like burning, itching or tearing, especially during sex. Because our cells are no longer able to provide enough lubrication or repair themselves, this isn’t a problem that is going away on its own. But our cream provides topical delivery of just the right amount of Estriol to aid in rebuilding and rejuvenating the delicate vaginal tissue. Now, ain’t that peachy?

Gentle yet powerful repair, right where you need it


Bioidentical Estriol that repairs and rejuvenates. (And that’s all.)

You want a cream that does what it’s supposed to, and nothing more. No laundry list of side effects. Paraben free formula. Founded by women, with a focus on science and a formula that delivers a clinical dose, Parlor Games cream will keep your downstairs healthy and ready.


We could list ALL the benefits in this headline


Or we could just tell you that sex can be fun again.

Lots of things can make you feel sexy; a great run, a great dress, a great book. Lots of things can turn you on; George Clooney, your hubby, a great joke, George Clooney... But one thing is sure to turn you all the way off - vaginal dryness and the associated itching, burning and pain. Nip it in the bud with our Silky Peach cream, and you’ll be back to spicy sex, a sexy strut and a confident you, quicker than you can google image search George Clooney.

Try the 28 Day Challenge

With just 2 pumps a day, applied directly to your tender bits, Parlor Games Silky Peach cream takes those dry, fragile, stinging cells and plumps them up like they were in your younger years, making them soft, pliable, and moist again.

Day 1 to day 28
  • Robin
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This Stuff Works!
    I was skeptical at first that this cream could resolve issues like incontinence, vaginal atrophy, and others. However, after 2 weeks, the incontinence lessened, intimacy was not as painful, and it just keeps getting better.
  • Peggy H.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Repeat customer!
    I am on auto-ship! I went from dry, burning, painful down there (sitting was almost impossible it was so irritated!) ... all that is solved with Silky Peach Cream. Give it some time, it did take a few months of daily application to fully heal. I am pain free now. So thankful to have found this non-prescription product.
  • Kris
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Very promising
    I was very skeptical when I read about it since everyone is promising everything, but willing to try as I was desperate. My daily life was miserable due to desert conditions.

    SURPRISE! I’ve just been using Silky Peach for a bit over a month and there is significant improvement. 
    I’m hoping  there’s more to come, but it already helped by taking away the permanent discomfort, and I even ventured into some activities I thought were gone forever without torture!

    Looking forward to even more, THANK YOU!
  • Elaine
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This stuff is amazing. Sex is not painful anymore. It took maybe a month to take effect - I was using it every day but had some spotting so backed off to every other day. Adding the V3 also helped. Can't recommend it highly enough.
  • Sexy Suzy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I got my 'sexy' back!
    I truly thought my husband and I were 'doomed' to having sex without penetration. It hurt so bad, I did everything to avoid getting intimate. It wasn't fair to him, or me! I don't remember how I stumbled upon Silky Peach, and I am hesitant to try online things, but I was desperate.. and I am so glad I took a leap of faith in this product, because at 61, it has been a miracle for me and I feel sexy again and my husband, well, he loves that for me.. and for him! :) 
  • NonniV
    ✅ Verified Customer
    works quickly!
    After only a couple of weeks, I saw a big improvement .
    So much so, that I could cut back the dosage,
  • AJ
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach Cream
    This product has increased my sex drive and ability to engage. It works!
  • Rae
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach Cream
    Awesome!!! I am beginning to feel like a woman again. 
  • P
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I didn’t know how much I really needed this .
    I’m 59 and started noticing some changes. Thought I’d give this a 3 month try and I’m so grateful I did. I noticed the changes by the end of the first month.  
  • TinDE
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game Changer
    In 2023 my doctor told me that my vagina was atrophying. She prescribed estrodial. It was messy and uncomfortable. I used it for a year and got some relief. Then is saw the ads on Facebook for silky peach. I quit the estradiol and ordered the silky peach product leaving a week or two between the treatments before starting. I am now happily having regular intercourse with no pain and a vagina that feels like I am a much younger woman. Thank you!
  • Goldie Locks
    ✅ Verified Customer
    So far so good
    So far, so good. It took a little time for this to kick in but it works. I am forgetful, so that may have caused some delay, but it is definitely helping!
  • Christy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Enjoyable intimacy can be achieved!
    At 53 and 6 months into menopause sec was painful and dreaded! Thanks to Silky peach 🍑 my experience is again enjoyable and my husband is smiling again so thank you for giving me back myself ❤️
  • Jrrb
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky peach cream
    I helps stops the itching. Honestly I thought monthly periods were a pain. Menopause is more of a pain in the ass. I was the lucky one who never had any cramping. I took iron pills at that time of the month. Sometimes I wonder where doctors get their PhD. All they want to do is push a pill. I don't itch as much, but it's still there more so when I'm stressed or nervous. ( especially when im around people). Life's a peach, people make it complicated. Lol! I would recommend silky peach cream. It's less than a co pay on some health insurance.
  • Frani
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Worth it
    This has truly helped, I would recommend this to all, I feel great , my lady parts are functioning like they should and I have been on this for 6 months.At least try it you will not regret it 😉
  • Irene
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach Cream
    I use this product to avoid any UTI infections. As women age, the tissue around the vagina thins. The estrogen in this product strengthens that tissue. I don't experience any more UTI infections.
  • Tammi
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky peach
    Great product 
  • D
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game changer!
    I had been having pain during intimacy for many years.  The only help gynecologists had given was ky gel.  I’m now 55 and in menopause, and the pain had turned into full on vaginal atrophy.  No elasticity.  I’ve been using Silky Peach now for about 4 months.  It started really working about 3 weeks in.  I have no more pain during intimacy, no more dryness, and plenty of elasticity, just like when I was younger! Silky peach cured the vaginal atrophy completely. Thank you! 🩷  🍑
  • M Williamson
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Saved my sex life
    I'm 53 years old and I thought my sex life was over. Sex was so painful for me, my husband and I just about gave up trying. But, I saw the ad on Facebook for this product and read the reviews. It sounded too good to be true. I ordered the Silky Peach Cream not hoping for much. After using it just a few times I noticed an improvement. I have been using it for about 6 months now about every 2 or 3 days. Sex is no longer painful and it is enjoyable again! Please continue to make this product! I don't know what I would do without it.
  • Grace
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works
    I'm 70. It works. Vaginal health is very important for women. If you wash your face and brush your teeth vaginal health is a part of the same care.
  • Robin
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Well worth trying this amazing product
    I came upon this product while searching for something to give my relief of vaginal dryness.  I gave it a try and was so happy I did.  This stuff works.  I use it every night and I no longer have any dryness.  In fact after using silky peach cream for about 3 weeks I was able to comfortably return to sexual intercourse without pain.  Huge win! 
  • Iowaellen
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Second order
    I have lichen sclerosis. My gynocologist first prescribed Vasoline mixed with Calmoseptine which was messy and not affective. Then she prescribed Estriodal cream. Again, it was not completely affective. I read about Silky Peach Cream on the Facebook Group Cool Retired Ladies. This is amazing. I cannot believe how well it works in relieving the itching and soreness. I have just signed up for the bi-monthly subscription and will share this product with my gynocologist.
  • Pooda
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky peach
    Love it. Went from dry to plump moisture..
  • Niki
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Heaven sent!
    I've had my menopause issues, mainly dryness. Saw doctors, tried what they recommended, still didn't feel like myself, and didn't think there was any hope. I'm so glad I found Parlor Games and tried their products. They really are amazing! The products work! I highly highly recommend!! I have used and will continue using the Silky Peach, Vibrant Third, and Chaos Calmer. It's not a gimmick. There is science behind these and these women know what they're doing. If you've been struggling with menopause, these products are your lifeline.
  • Loraken
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This cream stopped the intense itching that came with painful intercourse and spotting afterwards. I’ve now used this for a year, I use it daily, my lady bits feel like I’m well, a lady again. No more bleeding or itching. The desert is once again a hospitable island and my sex life exists again. I use this with the vibrant 3rd and bye bye hot flashes, foggy mind and irritability. I think these creams should be more talked about and available to woman at your local retail store. These creams work. I wished I hadn’t waited as long as I did thinking I couldn’t afford it. Greatly appreciated the 28 day challenge, that was the game changer! 
  • Wendy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game changer!!
    I hesitated buying it for a long time because I have been unemployed for 8 months. I finally gave in because I was desperate for relief from symptoms brought on by my hysterectomy 8 years ago. I cannot express in words how well this product has worked for me! Now, I can’t imagine being without it. 
  • DEY
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Best Product Purchase!!! Love this stuff!!!
    This product really helped me over the last year. I have tried estradiol therapy and I hated how I felt. I also tried other products that didnt help. I seen this advertised and thought I would try it. I am so thankful I did. I haven't had a UTI or any dryness since. Best stuff around. No harmful side effects. I am a nurse that usually listens to Doctors. Lol. But I thought I should try one more thing before I went back to the traditional pharmaceutical protocol. If you haven't tried this please run and order it. Another bonus is that it's sooo affordable. ❤️❤️❤️
  • Cindy F.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    A Wonderful Discovery!
    As a post-menopausal woman, I love this stuff!
  • Weiner
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Life Changer
    So much relief from the dryness and pain! Can absolutely tell that the tissue was rebuilt and restored from what menopause took away! It worked very quickly too, maybe 2 weeks at max. Definitely recommend!
  • Bonnie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Natural help!!
    I am a DES baby, and should not use the usual prescription stuff, so this is a lifesaver!!
    Thanks for all you do :)
  • Janet
    ✅ Verified Customer
    OO LA LA!!
    Silky Peach cream is amazing!
    At 65, I was having vaginal dryness I could feel just walking around. With SPC, I am not experiencing that….and best of all, I have met a man and am enjoying some of the best sex of my life. Thanks SPC!!
  • Peachy4Me
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Relief at last!
    I began having horrible symptoms after starting hormone suppression therapy after breast cancer. After getting the okay from my medical team, I began using SPC and things have improved a lot! Because this is a “local” application, it can really hope people like me who were forced into menopause early. 
  • TLC
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Best ever!
    Love the Silky Peach it works wonders and provides relief.... Don't hesitate to purchase it!
  • Michelle
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach
    I love this product! For me I noticed a change immediately.! With the dryness and my libido! Definitely works!!
  • Lady Jane G
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It really works
    I've been using SPC for about 9 months. I don't use it every day, but at least 3-4 times a week. It has made an amazing improvement to our intimacy. I just recently started using Rebounce & V3. Hasn't been long enough to see results yet. I've had ovarian cancer surgery in 2014, so I'm being careful about the V3 usage, but looking forward to improved libido...and so is my hubby. I've also shared info with others.
  • Grandma
    ✅ Verified Customer
    This is awesome
    I Was having a lot of pain during intimacy and this helped drastically no pain.Whatsoever
  • NjT
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Feeling young again!
    This product is the best ever! It's not messy or smelly.
    It's cured my painful sex & need for any lubricant at all. And also my incontinence. I really noticed when I went 5 days without & the incontinence returned & a little bit of the pain....So I started it back asap! Thank you for creating this product!!!!! I don't want to live without it!
  • Fred
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Thank you
    From a man’s point of view I would like to say thank you for making it possible for my wife and I to enjoy each other once again.
  • Kathy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Life Saver
    Oh my gosh, this amazing product saved me...for 10 plus years I was in so much pain sex with my husband was fixing to come to an end! I tried so many products to just be disappointed, so when I would see this product on social media, I read a few reviews and would keep scrolling because I just figured it wouldn't work for me...well one day I got on this website and started reading about the product and also reading the stories & reviews of women who were going through the same thing, I truly thought I was alone!! So yes I was still skeptical but I thought why not just try it...I ordered the travel size and I told my husband give me 3 weeks to try this product...in 3 weeks I'm telling you no more pain...after all these years the pain is gone!!! I will use these products for the rest of my life!! Thank you, Kate & Kirsti
  • Anonymous
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I have been using this silky peach cream for a year now and I love it works like it says. Wonderful product 
  • Mare
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Ran out and won't let it happen again
    I started using this product a few months ago and it really works, recently though I had two containers of it and they happened to run out at the same time, and believe me I noticed the difference I had to go without it for about a week and I couldn't wait for it to get here. All of their products work beautifully ❤️
  • Happy camper
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I have been having pain during sex for at least a year or more. The medicine that the doctor recommended to me had so many side effects, such as blood clots, heart attack, cancer, stroke, I would not use it. After seeing a add about Parlor Games, I ordered their Silky Peach Cream. I used it daily and it did take up to 6 weeks, but I no longer have pain during sex. It is absolutely wonderful to be able to get back to it without the pain. I am 58 years old, and back to enjoying the intimacy with my husband again!!
  • Lori
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I had itchy bits for quite some time .i saw this and thought ok let’s see … to my surprise it worked .Ive been using for over a month now and will continue!! Thanks I’m still figuring out the perfect combo but I love it
  • ViVi
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Stick with it!
    I suffered for years with pain, tearing and bleeding. Like many, I didn’t know why. No one explains the changes that can occur “down there”. Thank goodness I came across the peachy cream fb ad. I’m starting my third bottle and can really feel improvement. Use everyday, one pump for me. Even on my face! Highly recommend trying this product if you are experiencing discomfort…
  • Rha
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Relief at last!
    For the last couple of years, I suffered from dryness, itching, soreness, symptoms of infections, it was maddening. I used over the counter creams and gels that did nothing. My doctor had nothing that would help. Only a week of using silky peach cream and ALL of those symptoms and issues disappeared. I even told my doctor so she could pass the information to others who might have the same problems. On my second order and third one will be here soon. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • Delighted customer
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I feel more like my old self!
    I’ve been using Silky Peach for 6 weeks. I no longer experience pain when I’m intimate with my husband. I’m even finding myself interested again. We were always happy in bed until menopause happened a couple of  years ago. Thank you for bringing hope back into my marriage!
  • Pam
    ✅ Verified Customer
    My bits are happy again! (And so is the hubby!)
    Best decision ever!! 
  • Deb
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Life changer!
    This product is a life saver for sure! We were to the point of it not even being worth the effort to be intimate because the afterward involved uncomfortable pain for a couple days. Not anymore, thankfully! I recommend Silky Peach Cream to all of my friends & we all appreciate what it's done to make our postmenopause lives better ☺️👍
  • Robin
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game Changer!
    I was reluctant to try this product, but my sister encouraged me. I took the plunge, and what a difference the peach cream makes. Life in general is so much better what there's no issues with dryness. I highly recommend the peach cream.
  • Happy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Silky Peach Cream
    This cream really works, no more dryness. Never want to be without this cream. Thank you!!
  • Kristy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works
    I don’t have to use lubricants anymore. No more pain and tearing. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What's in Silky Peach Cream?

All the best love and goodness we could find! And as many organic ingredients as are possible. More specifically:

Ingredients: Deionized Water, Shea Butter*, Beeswax*, Cupuacu Butter*, Sunflower Seed Oil*, Stearic Acid, Glycerin*, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc/Radish Root Ferment Filtrate, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Sweet Almond Oil*, Phenoxyethanol, Xanthan Gum, Coconut Fruit Extract, Estriol, Potassium Sorbate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Glycerin, Sodium Hydroxide, Cucumber Peel Extract, Gluconolactone, Sodium Benzoate. (*Organic)
Paraben Free

Is Silky Peach Cream Free from Parabens?

Yes! We specifically chose a formula that does not contain parabens because parabens can act as xeno-estrogens and disrupt hormone and other body systems. We don't want that junk in our bodies and we don't want it in yours either.

Is Silky Peach Cream organic?

We are committed to creating a super healthy product that is safe for you to use on your body, so every last ingredient that can be certified organic, is. The only non-organic ingredients are the water and preservatives. Preservatives are essential to ensure that the cream is free from microorganisms that would damage the product.

Why does vaginal dryness happen?

Estrogen is important for the health of vaginal tissue. As women mature, their levels of estrogen begin to drop. If a woman does not have enough estrogen, the cells of the vaginal wall begin to thin and lose their integrity and can tear easily. No one wants that!

Why is estriol used to improve vaginal health?

There are three main types of estrogen: estrone, estradiol, and estriol. Estriol is the gentlest of the estrogens but is highly effective in rebuilding the vaginal tissue. Estradiol is a much stronger hormone and we recommend that it should only be used with the guidance of a medical provider.

Can I use the cream more than once a day?

Oh – we can tell you are hopeful and excited! We recommend once daily use to support gradual recovery and rebuilding of the vaginal tissue. It takes several years for estrogen levels to drop, so we recommend taking a gradual route to rebuilding and maintenance. You should feel a difference within 21 days.

Why does the cream sting when I use it?

That tender tissue has likely been sore for quite a while and, just like any sore area, when you start using a cream or ointment to help heal, the body is going to respond to that new substance. You should experience a drop in the stinging sensation as the tissue repair process continues.

Is the estriol bioidentical?

Heck yes, you bet it is. We wouldn’t do this otherwise. Bioidentical hormones are manufactured to have the exact same chemical structure as the hormones that your body makes. By using bioidentical hormones, you get the correct chemical messages but without the side effects that come with a pharmaceutical non-bioidentical hormone.

Are there other issues this cream can help with?

Yes. Estriol helps make sure the vagina has a healthy amount of natural mucus with the right acidity level. The right acidity helps prevent bad bacterial overgrowth. Making sure the vaginal tissue is healthy and the pH is balanced, goes a long way to reducing the chances of vaginal infections and therefore urinary tract infections.

Does estriol help with hot flashes?

It can be highly effective for some women, but everyone is different.

How long will it take to feel the results?

So, we’re all different and it can depend on how long you have been experiencing vaginal dryness. For most women, they will begin to feel the difference within 21 days.

How much estriol is in each pump?

If you press the pump fully, each pump will have about .5mg of estriol. We recommend that you use 2 pumps daily for starters. Once your symptoms have cleared up, you can reduce the amount gradually to find your perfect maintenance amount.


Try Parlor Games Silky Peach Cream & see the results for yourself!

NOTE: We always recommend that women with a history or genetic risk of breast cancer talk to their doctors about the use of hormones and other medications in their healthcare regime.