“I've had insomnia most of my adult life, but Chaos Calmer really works to help me relax and 'turn off' the day when I get into bed.”

Susan F. Happy Customer.


(70 Reviews)

Chaos Calmer
Calm, Cool, and ready to Conquer!

Chaos Calmer Cream - 60-70 pumps - 50ml

Anti-anxiety, brain soothing cream

When you can't catch your breath, catch a break, or catch up... You need Chaos Calmer. With it's proprietary blend of GABA, L-Theanine, and Magnesium, it takes you from Nervous Nelly to Wonder Woman: y'know, calm, cool and collected (and kicking ass). GABA is a calming neurotransmitter, Magnesium helps relax muscles and helps produce GABA in the brain, and L-theanine is an amino acid which has a calming, grounding effect on the body and mind without making you feel drowsy. Chaos Calmer takes your days from bedlam to bliss. Great for anyone over the age of 1.


Save an ADDITIONAL 15% OFF your first bottle when you buy today!
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100% Satisfaction Guarantee

  • Chatty
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Need help sleeping?
    This stuff works! When I am unable to quiet my brain with thoughts, to-do lists and schedules I put this on as directed and I fall asleep!
  • Marie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos Calmer
    This is an amazing cream. When I need to sleep after a chaotic day, I use this and it helps me rest. When I’m at work and i feel  anxious I use this and it helps with in a few minutes , I can’t live without this! This is a natural and amazing product !
  • Kari L
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos Calmer
    I'm loving the Chaos Calmer! It turns off all the "mind noise" that makes it impossible to get to sleep. Before using it, as soon as my head hit the pillow my mind would begin to recall everything I did, or meant to do that day. Plus, every 80's song I ever heard on a loop that wouldn't quit! I would highly recommend Chaos Calmer to anyone that wants to be able to have a peaceful night's sleep.
  • Jennifer
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos Calmer
    I use this each time I get out of the shower every couple of days. This really helps me with my anxiety. I don’t feel as stressed out as I do when I do t use it for a few days. It usually last a couple of days for me and really does help with this. I am ever so grateful to have found these ladies. They have been such a lifesaver to my body and over all health, where the doctors have failed me. Thank you so much for what you do for us. 
  • Leslie inCA
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I’m a terrible sleeper and Chaos Calmer is just enough to help my brain let a peaceful calm allow sleep. I have used it when waking during the night also & still woke up in the morning without a hangover. I have recommended Chaos Calmer to friends with the same sleeping issues due to the delights of this glorious menopause… sarcasm, a gift of age.
  • LynneG
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Get back to sleep
    My elderly dog wakes me up once or twice a night to go out. After going downstairs and back up, I have trouble getting back to sleep. That's why Chaos Calmer is on my bedside table. A quick application and some slow breathing and I'm back to sleep!
  • Mayzie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Bedtime Routine
    I decided to try the Chaos Calmer on a whim! I suffer from insomnia. Even when I do get to sleep, it takes a long time for me to actually fall asleep and I struggle with staying asleep. So I tried it.
    Now it is an integral part of my bedtime routine! I apply a couple of pearl sized dollops to the inside of my arms starting at the wrist and stoping at the inside of the elbow. I massage them in and wait for everything to absorb while I brush my teeth and do my skincare routine. Once I lay down in bed, I can already feel it relaxing me and I drift off so much easier.
    I feel like it quiets the noise and tornado of thoughts I have in my head.
  • LS
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Buy it, try, it works!
    Chaos Calmer is a game changer for me. After 5 years of sleep issues (not being able to stay asleep), trying other sleep aids, Chaos Calmer is the only one what works for me. Apply it, give it a few minutes, and feel your mind clear, and be gently lulled to sleep. It is just wonderful! I use all Parlor Game products. All work fantastuc. My last purchase was for 2 Choas Calmers. One for me and one for a friend. Yeah, Parlor Game products are the best thing I've run across to lessen my menopause woes.
  • Debbie
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Calmness without drugs!
    This cream is a lifesaver for anxiety and stress. Sometimes in life for whatever reason, we are triggered with anxiousness or anxiety and this cream just calms you in very little time. I always have it with me.
  • Tammi R
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game Changer for Deep Sleep
    Chaos Calmer has been such a helpful addition to getting good, deep sleep now that menopause has disrupted the great sleep I used to get. I fall asleep quickly and sleep 6 hours straight before I wake up to go to the bathroom. Then I return to sleep easily for another several hours. I also love the fact that Chaos Calmer is all natural and has no negative side effects!
  • Beth R
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos calmer is my “go-to” at night when I can’t get my mind to settle. I rub it on the bottoms of my feet and wrists. It helps me to fall asleep faster or fall back to sleep. I keep it by my bedside and use it almost every night. It does exactly what it says, it calms the chaos. Thank you Parlor Games for this product. 
  • Bird
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos Calmer
    My husband myself and daughter use nightly and sleep like babies my daughter moved out a few weeks ago and had anxiety being out on her own she has been doing 2 pumps before bed and is able to sleep.
  • Cynthia S
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Rest in Menopause
    I’ve had trouble sleeping for years; I could fall asleep quickly but would wake up around 2-3 am and couldn’t get back to sleep. Chaos Calmer has been a dream for me. Now, if I do wake up during the night, I almost always fall right back to sleep. I also might use it on an extra stressful day, and I does help me calm down. Thank you so much for these amazing products!!
  • Laura S
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Not Just For Stress
    Chaos Calmer does help me deal with stress and anxious feelings, it also helps me to get back to sleep if I wake up in the night, but a really nice added benefit is that, because it contains magnesium, it helps reduce my joint pain! I apply it directly to my hips and elbows. AND, unlike most magnesium creams, it does not make me itchy!
  • L.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I didn’t think that I’d ever find something that could take the edge off of my anxiety! It helps me breath again!
  • Pat
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I use this at night before bed. Go to sleep right away & stay asleep!
  • PMS
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Better Sleep
    I rubbed this on my feet and ankles before bed. Alternating feet each night. Not only has it helped with my overall relaxation, it also helps me with restless leg syndrome. I haven’t had a single problem with it since I’ve started using this at night. I’m assuming it’s the magnesium.
  • Tammy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Brain soothing and calmness promoting!
    Results are undeniable! I use it before bed to quiet the sometimes racing thoughts from the day. If I have anxiety or angst during the day, I also use it with pretty quick results of calm. Thanks!
  • Eroseland
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Nice to have
    Nice to have around for days of stress.
  • GG
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Works Great!
    I’ve been using Chaos Calmer for some time now and I’m very happy with this product. I use it every night.
  • Peanut
    ✅ Verified Customer
    A great Creme
    This is a great creme it has help me get to sleep when I am restless . Only wish the bottle was bigger for the price.
  • Laurie H
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Game changer!
    I've been using this product just before bedtime and have been sleeping better! My husband asked to use it as well and he felt a deeper sleep with fewer wake ups during the night. "We" highly recommend!
  • ElBoz
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Part of the arsenal
    After suffering insomnia and sleep issues for the last decade, I've tried everything. I'm on my 2nd bottle of CC and I do think it helps me sleep better. This is part of my bedtime ritual now. Melatonin and one pump of CC on the wrist about an hour before bed.
  • Gypsy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos Calmer
    Best product ever, as are all their products
  • Lisa LL
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Helps with sleep
    I use Chaos Calmer to decrease anxiety and help me relax at bedtime 
  • vtl
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Actually works
    I highly recommend Chaos Calmer. It helps with a relaxing, deep, natural sleep, but does not leave you groggy.
  • Shannon
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I use it every night
    I no longer need melatonin, sleepy time tea, or benadryl to settle down for the night. No more racing thoughts or jimmy-legs, just peaceful and cozy without feeling knocked out.
  • Robyn W
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It Does What it Says
    I carry it with me in my purse so if needed I can rub a bit on my belly or inner arms and feel much better right away. I am a nurse so it's busy and can get stressful. Helpful product and taking a few minutes to rub the cream in and take a few deep breaths is all it takes. It's effective and I'm pleased with the the results. The company also has other products I use and find effective in my post menopausal life.
  • Charlene E.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I love all their products!
    This a great product!  I tell anyone about Parlor Game’s superior products every chance I get!  I wish every gynecologist knew about and promoted them.  Try them. You will only be disappointed at not finding them sooner!  
  • Evangeline
    ✅ Verified Customer
    My thoughts
    I love this product. I have suffered from different chronic pain conditions for over four years. I have not slept well in years. This product gives me, most nights, seven hours of uninterrupted sleep. What a blessing. Thank God and thank you ladies.
  • KellBell
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Loving this!
    I love this so much ..I use it on the nights I don't use my V3...and it helps me sleep so much!!
  • KP
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Stocking stuffer
    This is a wonderful calmer for me. I like it so much that I got it for my kids (who are in their early 30's) to help them with anxiety. It's rough out there!
  • DKW
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Calming the internal chaos
    Chaos calmer is my go to when I'm looking for that peaceful dreamy sleep.
    Combined with SPC and V3...its nighty night...
    Gentle and effective. I love using this natural cream for rest and rejuvenation
  • Peggy
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Sleep help
    Really helps me to fall asleep at night.
  • Ann
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Helps to calm me down and able to fall asleep.
  • Cynthia L
    ✅ Verified Customer
    A Life Saver!
    I have a supply of Chaos Calmer in my work bag, beside my bed, and in my travel gear. Nothing helps the jitters during a high-stress day like this does. Also helps to prepare for bed or to reapply if awakened during the night.
  • Bell J
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great Product
    Love this product, i put a little on every night and i know it helps me fall asleep much faster than before. For me this product is perfect, thank-you
  • Meg
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Better than a second (or third) glass of wine
    Yes, I'm one of those who, after having a long day, look forward to that cold Chard. However, honestly, this was not doing my health (or my weight) any favors. I like natural approaches and figured I'd give it a try. When I got home after changing into more comfy clothing, I rubbed Chaos Calmer onto my inner arms. I'd rub it until it was near dry, as if to erase the world, and then I'd pour my wine. I found myself in a nice, relaxed state, and that second glass wasn't calling my name. Sometimes I'd add another rub-a-dub at bedtime. Yeah, this is nice! I've started bringing it to the office and if I was getting in a 'certain' way, I would rub some in, take a few deep breaths, then get refocused.

    An unexpected outcome - I lost weight - 5 lbs. Was it because of less wine or that the stress of work and life did not have as much control? All I know is that I'm grateful!!! I'm making this a new daily ritual to health and wellness. I like the new calmer me!
  • Sue S.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos Calmer
    Seems to work well. Only thing I don't like is the price. Why does everything that can help us women always cost so much?
  • Charlotte S.
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Better sleep
    I really like the chaos calmer cream because it helps me to relax and calm my mind for a better nights sleep. There’s no drowsiness in the morning either. It works well with the other products as too. I recommend it for travel too. One of the best things I’ve tried from the Silky Peach brand!
  • Happy At Last
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great Stuff
    Helps me wind down, fall asleep faster and gives a nice sense of calm. So helpful!!
  • Jane p
    ✅ Verified Customer
    It works
    I tried the chaos cream for the first time last night and it does work.
    I had a sense of peacefulness.
    I slept well too!  It made me relaxed enough to fall asleep . 
  • Beth R
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos calmer is a great product! I use it nightly to help me sleep. I gave some as gifts because I have gotten such great results. It is the first thing I grab before going to bed. 
  • Robin O
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Great Way to Help you Chill
    I've been using Chaos Calmer primarily at night to help me sleep, and it definitely helps to calm me / allow me to fall asleep a little more easily.

    I've also been starting to use it during the day if I'm feeling a bit stressed.

    Great product.
  • Fran T
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Calm the chaos
    this is now part of my evening routine to start to wind down for bed
  • Samantha O
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Get the Chaos out of Your Life
    I have been using Chaos Calmer for over a year. It’s amazing how quickly it helps calm my nerves and allows me to breathe. If I’m awake at night, it gently puts me back to sleep.
  • Susan P
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Should have used it sooner
    I try and use chaos calmer every morning, it really helps with my being able to be with my husband all day. We're both retired and spend way too much time together, he's in the early stages of alsheimers and we argue too often. Chaos cal.er helps me manage my feelings all day. Love it. ❤️
  • Marjorie C
    ✅ Verified Customer
    Chaos Calmer
    This is the best! It works quickly, and no tummy issues. I'm a fan for life
  • Janet W
    ✅ Verified Customer
    I use this at night, and I do seem to sleep better. I am not completely done with my first order, so I have not used it long. But I did order more. Hope you have good results if you try this.
  • Deb P
    ✅ Verified Customer
    So glad I tried
    I’ve used this 5 days in a row and have slept so well. Since menopause my sleep has been horrible,  Mind racing heart pounding waking up and not being able to get back to sleep.  Even my sleep number bed report shows I’ve been sleeping well❤️

Here's how our Easy-Breezy Subscription works:


We know that some companies make it hard to cancel a subscription – that’s not us. Our mission is to save the world – one menopausal woman at a time (along with her family & friends)! If you decide you don’t need Chaos Calmer as an ongoing solution for anxiety, sleeplessness, and overwhelm, we understand. Five days before we send your order (every 2 months), you'll receive an email reminder about your upcoming shipment and a link to your customer portal where you can cancel, or push out your next ship date and change your shipment frequency. 

Rather have us adjust your subscription for you? Just reach out to us through our "Contact Us" page or reply to any email we send you.

No hunting, no searching, we got you. Respect is where it’s at.


Try Chaos Calmer & see the results for yourself!