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The Lack of Treatment for Vaginal Atrophy

Also known as Vulvovaginal Atrophy, (VVA), or Urogenitary Syndrome of Menopause (USM), women often struggle with a host of issues related to tissue changes in their vagina and vulva. This can include dryness, itching, pain, pain during sex (otherwise known as dyspareunia), incontinence, and even increased UTI's! The most challenging part is that women themselves often don't know much about VA or what to look out for. This was a large study, and helped to highlight the lack of care for women in this realm!


This study was large, with over 3000 participants responding to the questions. Researchers were trying to get a clearer picture of vaginal atrophy in post-menopausal women, and why it wasn't being adequately treated, and what could be done. The researchers noted that, "Significant barriers to treatment include lack of knowledge about VVA, reluctance to discuss symptoms with HCPs, safety concerns, inconvenience, and inadequate symptom relief from available treatments." This suggests that the pervasive nature 'not to talk about this kind of thing' affects us as individuals, as well as the medical industry as a whole. Furthermore, a lot of the options can be dangerous (think Premarin), or not really effective at treating the underlying condition (i.e., vaginal moisturizers).

You can view the whole study here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1743609515304318