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Emerging Clinical Benefits of Estriol

A review that examines the role of estriol, the authors aim was to examine the numerous different studies of estriol to look more closely at, "emerging roles for estriol in the treatment of menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis, cancer, hyperlipidemia, vascular disease, and multiple sclerosis. Estriol appears to offer a potentially cost-effective approach to a variety of conditions and may offer a wide range of health benefits."

We get asked about estriol a lot (it is the star ingredient in our Silky Peach cream after all!) - and whether it is strong enough, tested enough, or has scientific evidence... as this study shows, there is plenty of scientific data to support the use of transdermal estriol application. As the authors conclude, "Estriol offers considerable benefits for postmenopausal women with reduced risks that are normally associated with traditional hormone therapies. These benefits include improved control of menopausal symptoms and better urogenital health."

Strength is not the key factor with estriol, but rather, how well it helps urogenital issues, and how well suited it is to epidermal repair. We discuss the three different types of estrogen at length in our blog, E is for Estrogen, which can help you better understand why different estrogens work in different ways. To learn more about the study itself, click the link below!
