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​ Menopause & Anxiety

Whilst we are on the topic of stress, what about anxiety? A poll of our ladies found that 52% of them experienced anxiety (this was out of 400 women who responded). This is a statistically significant number. It suggests that women experience anxiety fairly regularly - but is this more common during menopause, or simply for women in general?

Studies found that, aside from hormonal changes - particularly estrogen changes - being linked to anxiety, other menopausal symptoms had a domino effect in promoting or causing anxiety. One main culprit? Sleep! Sleep disturbances were found to significantly impact overall quality of life, as well as cortisol levels and mood management. Hot flashes or physical changes can result in body image issues, or relationship issues, as well as overall health anxiety, making for a potent combination. Lastly, lifestyle changes, such as kids leaving home, or becoming an 'on-call' grandparent can further exacerbate anxiety, as well as work and retirement challenges - it's no wonder women are getting anxious. Studies suggest hormone supplementation is one of the most effective methods - in conjunction with lifestyle changes - to treating this.
