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Need Some Non-Hormonal Help?

Maybe you can't use Silky Peach, or maybe you're just looking for a little extra help in the dryness department. We're going to take a look at some of the alternative natural options and creams that might help in your journey AWAY from dryness!

Sea Buckthorn - Sea buckthorn is a shrub native to China and areas of Europe. It contains many medicinal compounds, as well as nutrients that include, vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, and minerals. There is some evidence sea buckthorn (typically taken in capsule form) helps dry skin and eyes, which is why some women take it when they are suffering extreme dryness in or around the vulva.

Fennel Seed (or fenugreek) - Fennel is an herb with yellow flowers. As medicine, it might relax the colon, and also appears to contain an ingredient that may act like estrogen in the body. However, studies are limited, but it has been used in the past to treat both period cramps and menopause symptoms.

Vitamin E suppositories - There is clinical evidence to support Vitamin E as a treatment for vaginal dryness. Studies found that vitamin E plays a key role in maintaining the estrogen level and improving the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, sensitivity, insomnia, dizziness, palpitation, dyspareunia, and vaginal dryness.This vitamin also keeps the arteries flexible and facilitates blood circulation, which consequently increases the metabolism of vaginal connective tissues and enhances the moisture and flexibility of vaginal walls.

Hyaluronic Acid (vaginal) - Again, studies have shown that hyaluronic acid is an effective treatment for vaginal dryness. Whilst researchers note that local estrogens are more effective, this option can be used alongside Silky Peach, or alone, to help relieve dryness.

Slippery Elm - Slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) is a tree that is native to North America. Only the inner bark of slippery elm, not the whole bark, is used as medicine. The inner bark contains chemicals that can increase mucous secretion, so slippery elm bark is thought to increase mucilage tissues in our bodies, including vaginal tissue. It can be taken as a suppository or a supplement, but studies are very limited.

Coconut Oil - Researchers concluded that virgin coconut oil is a good treatment for dryness and related skin conditions due to its: function as a barrier, moisturizing and antibacterial properties, & wide availability and safety. That said, there isn’t clinical data to support the use and safety of coconut oil in and around your vagina.

Marshmallow Root - Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis) is a perennial herb that’s native to Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa. It’s been used as a folk remedy for thousands of years to treat digestive, respiratory, and skin conditions. It could be beneficial in helping irritated skin. A review from 2013 found that using an ointment containing 20 percent marshmallow root extract reduced skin irritation. Researchers suggested that the herb stimulates certain cells that have anti-inflammatory activity.

Aloe Vera - Topical use of aloe is promoted for acne, lichen planus (a very itchy rash on the skin or in the mouth), oral submucous fibrosis, burning mouth syndrome, burns, and radiation-induced skin toxicity. Oral use of aloe is promoted for weight loss, diabetes, hepatitis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Whilst aloe is generally considered safe, there are some contraindications that need to be considered.

Olive Oil - Olive oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and has been linked to improved skin moisturization, anti-aging effects, and relief from sun damage. Olive oil contains squalene and vitamin E. Squalene supports the skin’s moisture retention, whereas vitamin E increases the skin's capacity to absorb and retain water. Studies have found a link between skin quality and olive oil use!

Sea Moss - Sea moss is a type of red algae also known as Irish moss, and it is not as well studied as its close cousin, seaweed. However, there are a lot of good nutrients in it - Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12, Calcium, Chromium, Magnesium, & Zinc. Sea Moss contains iodine which is supportive of thyroid function and healthy breast tissue The jury is still out on whether this supplement can really help with vaginal dryness!

Vaginal Specific Probiotics - Your vagina naturally hosts thousands of microorganisms, including "good" bacteria that help maintain health. Some companies sell probiotic supplements that claim to promote the growth of these healthy bacteria in your vagina, much as digestive probiotic pills (along with foods like yogurt and kimchi) do in your digestive tract. You take some vaginal probiotics as pills, and insert others as suppositories into your vagina. Early studies suggest that these supplements might be of use. The bottom line? Choose a great probiotic as it will be good for your overall health regardless.

Dandelion Tea - Dandelion root has been shown to stimulate bile production, which supports the liver's detoxification process. It helps the liver “flush out” estrogen and other steroid hormones and their byproducts so that they are removed from the body normally through excretion (bowel movements). Wom en going through menopause or even severe PMS can benefit from dandelion tea because it's a high fiber food and a phytoestrogen herb. This is a natural hormone replacement, which acts as a quick remedy for the symptoms of menopause, PMS and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS.) Whilst the effects might be mild, they are supported by science!